Civitanova del Sannio

The History of Civitanova del Sannio

Civitanova del Sannio is a small Italian town in the province of Isernia, Molise, with a population of around 875 residents. The name Civitanova dates back to the Middle Ages and was given to distinguish this settlement from an older city located nearby, Civitavecchia, now known as Duronia. The first certain news of Civitanova dates back to 1002, when the Count of Isernia and his wife decided to build a monastery to be donated to the Benedictine rule.

The First Feudal Lords of Civitanova

The settlement of Civitanova emerged around the 10th century, during the Lombard domination. Beraldo, Count of Isernia, was among the first feudal lords of the land of Civitanova together with his wife Gemma. He expanded and renovated a Benedictine monastery near Bagnoli, called S.Benedictus de iumento albo di Bagnuolo. Academic historiography refers to subsequent feudal successions, including those of Oderisio de Rigo Nigro and the lords Teodino, Rainaldo, and Nicola. The rustic fiefdom of 'Sporonasinam' (Sprondasino) was maintained by Matteo together with the service of a knight for war, in proportion to the value and number of the inhabitants. In 1270, King Charles I of Anjou granted half of Civitanova to Ysnardo of Almacia. Pietro Rodoico/Lodoyco appealed to Charles I for respect of the “Collecta pannorum” by the Civitanova vassals. The feudal lordship passed to Burlasca Roccafoglia after the death of Andrea d'Isernia, and then to his son Landolfo d'Isernia. Rinaldo Di Matteo later became lord of Civitanova and obtained a territory called Selva Piana for the Monastero de iumento albo.

Civitanova del Sannio: History, Culture, and Agriculture in Molise.

Destroyed by the Earthquake of 1456

The monastery of S.Benedetto was destroyed by the earthquake of 1456, but some parts, such as the tower and some rooms, remained intact. The history of Civitanova del Sannio has been influenced by the association with the Benedictine monastery and the violent earthquakes that have hit the region.

Civitanova del Sannio is a picturesque town with a unique rural charm. The cobbled streets and ancient stone houses are witnesses of the town's glorious past. The town is famous for its position on the hill that overlooks the Sente river valley, offering an exceptional panoramic view.

Cultural Heritage

The cultural heritage of Civitanova del Sannio consists of the Baronial Palace, today used as the town hall, and the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, built in the 16th century. The church features a stone portal with a statue of the Madonna with Child, as well as frescoes and paintings by local artists from the 17th century.

The historic center is also well preserved, with stone houses and paved streets that recall the town's past. Here there are also several stone fountains, including the Fontana del Mascherone, that provide drinking water to the town.

Agriculture in Civitanova del Sannio

Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the residents of Civitanova del Sannio. The town mainly cultivates potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, and vegetables of all kinds. Local agricultural producers are renowned for the quality of their products, which are sold at the town's weekly market.

Local culinary specialties include polenta with sausages, handmade cavatelli with tomato sauce, and ventricina, a spicy and tasty Molisan salami.

Tourism in Civitanova del Sannio

Civitanova del Sannio is a popular tourist destination for those who want to spend a holiday away from cities and immerse themselves in Italian rural life. The most popular activities are walks in the hill trails, visits to the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, and excursions to the ancient ruins of S. Benedetto monastery.

The town's weekly market is the perfect opportunity to appreciate local craftsmanship and buy fresh seasonal products. Visitors can also participate in local festivals and fairs, such as the feast of St. Andrew, the patron saint of the town.


Civitanova del Sannio is a rural gem that offers a unique overview of life in the Italian countryside. History, culture, agriculture, and tourism are all factors that make this small town a place to visit. With its panoramic position on the Sente river valley and its charming stone architecture, Civitanova del Sannio is definitely worth a visit.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Sunday, Oct 23, 2022