
Welcome to Civate!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Civate, a municipality located in the beautiful province of Lecco, in Lombardy. Civate has about 3779 inhabitants and is divided into different fractions, including the historic center, la Santa, Tozio, il Pozzo, Scola, and Isella.

The geography of Civate

Civate is located in the Valle Magrera, between the Valle dell'Oro and the Rio Torto stream, at the foot of the Cornizzolo mountain and facing the Barro mountain. It is a municipality mainly spread out on the southeast slope of the Cornizzolo mountain and overlooks Lake Annone, covering the isthmus that divides it.

The municipal area is characterized by morphologies related to fluvial/glacial and alluvial deposition of Quaternary age and has a dense hydrographic network of natural watercourses. Additionally, Civate is located in seismic zone 3 and its climate is a mix between alpine and padanian climate, with not too hot summers and not too cold winters.

Civate: History, Territory and Tourist Attractions.

The history of Civate

The first human traces on the Civatese territory date back to the Copper Age, with the presence of human settlements near the Buco della sabbia, a funerary cave with bones, utensils, and graffiti. Later, a group of warrior-farmers settled at the foot of Cornizzolo in the current area of the Tozio fraction, establishing the primitive settlement.

With the Roman conquest of Cisalpine Gaul in 196 B.C., the Civatese territory was also militarily and defensively reorganized to protect it from the incursions coming from the Alps.

Culture and traditions

Despite being part of the Archdiocese of Milan, the Roman rite is practiced in Civate. This is due to the custom of the founding of the Abbey of San Pietro al Monte. Additionally, Civate celebrates several festivals and traditions every year, such as the feast of the patron saints Peter and Paul on June 29 and the feast of the Madonna della Santa on August 15.

Places to visit

Civate offers several tourist attractions, including the Abbey of San Pietro al Monte dating back to the XI century, considered a jewel of Romanesque art. One can also admire the Church of the Madonna della Santa, dating back to the XVI century, the Castiglioni Palace, with its beautiful tower, and the Tozio waterfall.

Additionally, Civate is an excellent starting point for excursions in the surrounding areas, such as climbing the Cornizzolo mountain, visiting Lake Annone, or taking a stroll in the nearby city of Lecco.


In summary, I have presented to you Civate, a municipality located in the beautiful province of Lecco, in Lombardy. With its rich history of ancient human traces, religious traditions, and tourist attractions, Civate represents an ideal destination for those wishing to discover the beauties of Lombardy and Valle Magrera. Come and visit us, we will be happy to welcome you!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Apr 23, 2022