
Discovering Cittaducale, the medieval city with a Roman heart

Are you curious to embark on a journey through the history and geography of Cittaducale? Let's discover together this small town in Lazio that preserves the traces of its ancient inhabitants.

Physical geography

Cittaducale is located in the province of Rieti and is a low-medieval town situated on Cerreto Piano Hill along the A4 highway Via Salaria. The city is nestled in the western part of the Piana di San Vittorino and is 10 kilometers away from Rieti and the Piana Reatina. To the north is Monte Terminillo, while to the southeast are Monte Nuria and Monte Giano. The Velino River flows at the base of the town.

Cittaducale: history and nature of a medieval city (45 characters)

The Peschiera Aqueduct

Perhaps not everyone knows that Cittaducale is mainly known for being the starting point of the Peschiera Aqueduct that supplies Rome. It is a hydraulic engineering work that crosses the municipal territory of Cittaducale for 90 km and transports water from the important sources of Peschiera. These are located near the border with Castel Sant'Angelo and are the second largest in Italy. The water flows partly into the Velino River and partly into the Peschiera Aqueduct, ensuring almost all the water needed for the capital of Italy.

Santa Rufina, the mineralogical fraction

In the fraction of Santa Rufina, located in Cittaducale, there are several types of minerals, such as fluorapatite, kalsilite, khibinskite, melilite, and perovskite. The locality of Santa Rufina also preserves a rarity: the merlinoite, of which it is the type locality. Those who love mineralogy cannot miss a visit to this area!

Climate and territory

Cittaducale has the climatic classification of zone E and the municipal territory covers an area of ​​49.73 km². The town is located at an altitude of 537 meters above sea level.

Protohistory and ancient times

The history of Cittaducale is very ancient: the average Conca Reatina Velino, now dominated by the town, was inhabited by populations that Livy called Aborigines and Pelasgians. These, during the Bronze Age, had given life to the legendary cities of Cotilia and Vatia, respectively to the east and west of the current inhabited area. In the fraction of Santa Rufina, near Cittaducale, was the ancient Vatia, a city of the Aborigines according to mythology. In the Valle Ottara locality, at the foot of the Colle Petescia, another protohistoric site was found, which refers to a middle Bronze Age settlement (13th-12th century BC). Pieces of baked clay with impressions of branches, related to remains of protohistoric huts, and the presence of livestock such as geese and sheep were discovered here.

Grotti and prehistoric anthropomorphic paintings

The fraction of Grotti, located near the Monti dei Balzi, is interesting above all for its caves, where there are traces of prehistoric anthropomorphic paintings. Let yourself be amazed by the beauty of these ancient artworks!

The foundation by King Charles II of Anjou

Cittaducale was founded in 1308 by King Charles II of Anjou. In the past, the town was the seat of the diocese of Cittaducale and the capital of the supra-municipal entity (district of Cittaducale, circumscription of Cittaducale). It was part of Abruzzo and the province of L'Aquila for more than six centuries, until the transfer to Lazio, which took place in 1927.

The National School for the Formation of the State Forestry Corps

Cittaducale is also known for hosting the National School for the Formation of the State Forestry Corps, since 2017 the Command of Units for Forest, Environmental and Agro-Food Protection. It is an institution of great importance for the training and preparation of law enforcement officers dedicated to the protection of the environment and territory.

Cittaducale is a town rich in history and natural beauty: its natural landscapes, the traces of its ancient inhabitants, and the presence of ancient artworks make this locality an ideal destination for all those who love discovering hidden and famous treasures. Discover Cittaducale and let yourself be enchanted by its beauty!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Thursday, Aug 25, 2022