
Welcome to Cirigliano!

Hello everyone! Today I'll tell you about Cirigliano, a charming Italian town located in the province of Matera in Basilicata. There are only 286 inhabitants here, but don't be fooled by the small size, because this place is full of treasures and deserves a visit.

Geographical data

Cirigliano is located 656 meters above sea level, but some municipal areas extend up to 1200 meters in the central-western part of the province. The town borders with Accettura, Gorgoglione, Stigliano and Pietrapertosa. If you are passionate about nature and breathtaking views, Cirigliano is the right place for you!

Cirigliano: a small village of history and treasures.

The history of Cirigliano

The first written evidence of the existence of Cirigliano dates back to 1060 from a bull of the diocese of Tricarico, which means that this city has a very long and interesting history. The name of the town derives from "Caerellius" because it was built on the property of Cerellio, presumably a Centurion who was given these lands for his merits on the battlefield. It was said that in the past, Cirigliano was a mandatory stop for those who had to travel from Eraclea to Potenza or Tricarico. To take a break, travelers went to the bakery in Cirigliano or to the tavern of Acinello.

Monuments and places of interest

If you are in Cirigliano, it is a must to visit the Mother Church which houses valuable paintings and frescoes. Although unfortunately a precious wooden statue of Blessed Stefano Seno was lost. Between the Mother Church and the baronial castle, you can admire the beautiful and welcoming historic center with its narrow streets, arch-housing and small faces as well as the ancient palaces among which stands out Palazzo Fanelli (formerly owned by the Giuncale family), the headquarters of the parish house and the nursing home for the elderly.

Cirigliano is also known for its water mills, a legacy of the past. In fact, you can see the remains of three mills built in the 19th century by the Formica family: the Santa Maria Vignola mill, the Don Carmine mill and the Rupicelli mill, reserved only for the inhabitants of the homonymous district.

Furthermore, Cirigliano is famous for its stone, which is still extracted from its quarries and represents an important resource for the crafts that work it and for its commercialization. Evident examples of the enhancement of the stone are the chapel of Santa Lucia and the town square. The beauty of the small town built in "Cirigliano stone" is something to admire.

Brigandage after the Unification of Italy

For those interested in history, Cirigliano has a particularly interesting one: brigandage after the Unification of Italy. In fact, on November 12, 1861, the formations led by Carmine Crocco and José Borjes moved towards Cirigliano to disarm the militiamen of the Italian National Guard, and then moved towards Gorgoglione, which they reached in the early afternoon.


We have come to the end of our tour of Cirigliano. Despite its size, this town is full of charm and history. A place to enjoy the silence and rediscover the value of small towns and their traditions. If you have the opportunity to visit Cirigliano, don't miss it!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Thursday, Jan 12, 2023