Cinte Tesino

Welcome to Cinte Tesino!

Hello everyone and welcome to Cinte Tesino, a municipality in the province of Trento with a population of about 340. Today, I will take you on a journey to discover its history, monuments, places of interest, and also talk about its administration and demographic evolution.


The location of Cinte Tesino, rich in natural resources and easily defendable due to its secluded position, suggests that the settlement has very ancient origins, probably pre-Roman. During the Roman Empire, thanks to the passage of the Claudia Augusta Altinate road, Cinte Tesino was perhaps a "vicus".

As for the early Middle Ages, little is known about it. However, the Tesino plateau, like the nearby Valsugana, remained tied to the city of Feltre, an ancient "municipium" and then a bishopric county. Only after the year 1000 do the first references to "universitas hominum et personarum," or organized communities that regulate the exploitation of collective goods, begin to appear.

Between 1810 and 1818, Cinte Tesino was a hamlet of Castello Tesino, while from 1928 to 1947, it was a hamlet of Pieve Tesino.

Cinte Tesino: history, monuments, and administration.

Monuments and places of interest

Among the monuments and places of interest in Cinte Tesino, we find the Church of San Lorenzo, dating back to the 15th century, which is the parish church of the village.


Now, let's talk about the demographic evolution of Cinte Tesino, which has a population of about 340. There is no up-to-date information about the population of the village, but I want to underline the importance of preserving local traditions and culture.


As for the administration, Cinte Tesino is governed by a Mayor and a Municipal Council. The official website of the municipality is an excellent way to stay updated on the activities and events organized by the government.


For more information about the history and curiosities of Cinte Tesino, I invite you to visit the official website of the municipality and the Wikipedia page dedicated to the village.

Other Projects

If you want to discover more about the province of Trento and its natural and cultural beauties, I invite you to consult local tourist projects and organize a visit to discover the region.

External links

Finally, I leave you the link to the official website of Cinte Tesino, where you can find more information about the village, the activities and events organized by the government. Thank you for following me on this virtual tour of Cinte Tesino and I wish you a good continuation of your visit to the province of Trento!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022