
Exploring the Province of Macerata

The province of Macerata is located in the Marche region, situated in central Italy. This province has a population of 303,684 inhabitants and its capital city is Macerata. The province borders on the west with Umbria and on the east is bathed by the Adriatic Sea. In this text, we will explore together the physical geography, economy, and infrastructure of the province of Macerata.

Physical Geography

The province of Macerata is the largest province in the Marche region, with an area of 2,959 km². Most of the territory is hilly (67.7%), while the remaining part is mountainous (32.3%). The Italian Apennines and the Macerata Subapennine host three unions of mountain municipalities: Potenza Esino Musone Mountain Community, Marca di Camerino Mountain Community, and Monti Azzurri Mountain Community. The Macerata jurisdiction also extends beyond the Apennine watershed, to the territories of Valnerina di Visso. The province of Macerata derives from the homonymous delegation of the State of the Church, which was annexed with other delegations by the Minghetti decree in 1860. Over the years, the province of Macerata has undergone many territorial modifications, in particular, concessions in favor of the province of Ancona. In 1929, the municipality of Visso was ceded from the province of Perugia to the province of Macerata.

Discover the province of Macerata: geography, economy and transportation.


Like the rest of the region, the economy of the province of Macerata is characterized by an economy based mainly on many small highly specialized companies. One sector, in particular, that is very relevant to the province is that of footwear. In 2006, the Bank of the province of Macerata was established, which offers banking services to the entire area of the province.

Infrastructure and Transportation

In the past, the province of Macerata was crossed by the historic roads that led to Rome, including the Via Lauretana (Umbria-Marche). With the arrival of trains, the route of the Rome-Ancona railway through the Fossato di Vico-Fabriano-Vall'Esina pass took away the ambitions of the province to see a railway artery directly connecting it to the capital of Italy. However, around 1885, a railway line was realized and separated at Albacina coming from Fabriano towards Ancona, and arrived at Civitanova Marche after crossing the provincial capital Station of Macerata and other important cities such as Matelica, San Severino Marche, Tolentino Station, Corridonia, and Montecosaro. In addition, Camerino was connected to this railway to Castelraimondo via the Castelraimondo-Camerino Railway, which is now dismantled and replaced with a bus service.


The province of Macerata is one of the largest provinces in the Marche region in Italy. The province's territory is visible by sight, touching the sea and the mountains of the Apennines that surround the region. The economy of this province is characterized by small highly specialized companies in the footwear sector. Finally, the province of Macerata has an ideal position for rail and road transport, particularly with the Rome-Ancona railway line and the Castelraimondo-Camerino Railway, connecting the cities of the province.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Wednesday, Mar 9, 2022