
Discover the Province of Cuneo

If you want to discover one of the biggest and most fascinating provinces in Italy, you absolutely must visit the Province of Cuneo. This province in Piedmont was established in 1859 and today has over 580,000 inhabitants. It is also known as "la Granda", a term that derives from the Piedmontese language.

A vast and diverse territory

The Province of Cuneo is the fourth largest Italian province by area and the second largest by number of municipalities. It is composed of 50.8% mountain, 26.6% hills, and 22.6% plain/high plateau. The province borders France to the west, the metropolitan city of Turin to the north, the province of Asti to the east, and Liguria to the south. The Province of Cuneo offers incredible nature, perfect for those seeking direct contact with the environment.

Province of Cuneo: nature, history and gastronomy in Piedmont

The history of the Province of Cuneo

The history of the Province of Cuneo dates back a long time. The province was established in 1859 with the Rattazzi Decree. In 1860, the municipalities of Tenda were assigned to the Province of Cuneo, already belonging to the Province of Nice (1859) ceded to France. In 1947, the province ceded Tenda, Vievola, San Dalmazzo di Tenda and Briga Marittima, and some fractions of the municipalities of Vinadio and Valdieri to France under the Treaty of Paris. In 1927, Cuneo was assigned the initials "CU" for license plates, later modified in 1928 to "CN". There is no evidence that CU plates were ever actually issued and that they remained a mere paper theory.

The morphology of the Province of Cuneo

The Province of Cuneo is characterized by the presence of the Cozie and Maritime Alps, and the Ligurian Alps surround it to the west and south respectively. The reliefs therefore form a large U-shaped border, within which the high plain is opened by the Po, Tanaro, and their many tributaries. The landscape is suggestive and varied: from the plain to the mountain, to the hills and the sea.

A province to be discovered

The Province of Cuneo offers a wide range of natural and cultural attractions. There are so many things to see and do here: from natural parks to historic churches, from castles to art cities. Gastronomy is one of the main attractions of the Province of Cuneo, and it offers delicious dishes such as bagna cauda, mixed fried of Piedmont, fondue, and finanziera.

In summary, the Province of Cuneo is an ideal destination for those who love nature and culture. There is only to choose from the numerous attractions it offers, and explore the most beautiful places in this Italian province.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Monday, May 30, 2022