Chiusi della Verna

Welcome to Chiusi della Verna: brief guide to history and attractions

Hello everyone, welcome to Chiusi della Verna, a Tuscan municipality nestled in the greenery of the National Park of Casentinesi Forests, Monte Falterona, and Campigna. Here you will find a range of attractions that range from unspoiled nature to sacred art, passing through medieval monuments and pilgrim routes.

The history of Chiusi della Verna

The history of the municipality dates back to the Etruscan-Roman era when the settlements of Dama in Casentino, Corezzo, Giampereta, Sarna, Fontechiara, Compito, Oci, and Vignoli were formed. In the Middle Ages, the city became a stopping point on the Via Romea, traveled by Germanic pilgrims on their way to Rome.

In the territory of Chiusi della Verna lies the famous Sanctuary of La Verna, where Saint Francis of Assisi received the stigmata. The monastery is located on the southern side of Mount Penna and can be reached by a picturesque walk through the woods.

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Chiusi della Verna: art, nature and history in Tuscany.


The Sanctuary of La Verna

The Sanctuary of La Verna is located just a few kilometers from the center of Chiusi della Verna. It is a religious complex that houses the cell of Saint Francis, where the saint slept and prayed during his visits to the mountain. The sanctuary was built starting from the 13th century and houses numerous frescoes and sacred artworks.

The nature of the National Park of Casentinesi Forests, Monte Falterona, and Campigna

The surrounding landscape of Chiusi della Verna is characterized by the wild nature of the National Park of Casentinesi Forests, Monte Falterona, and Campigna. In this area, you can go hiking or mountain biking to admire the Arno River, the Acquacheta waterfall, and the mountain refuges.

The pilgrim routes

For the more adventurous, you can follow the medieval routes of the pilgrims, which passed through Chiusi della Verna on their way to Rome. Along these paths, you will find the remains of ancient structures that hosted travelers, such as the Hospices.

The medieval monuments

The medieval history of Chiusi della Verna can be admired in the monuments that dot the territory. Among these, the Fortress of Chiusi della Verna, the Castle of Corezzo, and the village of Caggio are worth a visit.

How to get there

Chiusi della Verna is located a few kilometers from the city of Arezzo, in Tuscany. You can reach the municipality by car or by train to the Arezzo station, from where buses regularly depart for Chiusi della Verna.


Chiusi della Verna is a Tuscan municipality rich in history, art, and nature. The visit to the Sanctuary of La Verna, the exploration of the National Park of Casentinesi Forests, Monte Falterona, and Campigna, the discovery of the pilgrim routes and medieval monuments are just some of the attractions that the municipality offers to visitors. Enjoy your visit!

Federico Conte
Updated Sunday, Feb 13, 2022