
Discovering Chiusdino: a fascinating place

Welcome to our tourist guide dedicated to Chiusdino, a small town in Tuscany in the province of Siena, located about thirty kilometers southwest of the city towards Massa Marittima. Let's discover together the geographical characteristics of this territory!

Physical geography

Chiusdino extends over a hill of the Metalliferous Hills at 650 meters above sea level. Classified in zone 2 (medium-high seismicity), the region has an E climatic classification and an average atmospheric diffusivity.

Discover Chiusdino: history, mines and breathtaking view.

The history of Chiusdino

The history of Chiusdino dates back to the Early Middle Ages, when the territory underwent an early process of anthropization. For the origin of the capital, a Lombard origin can be hypothesized, particularly during the Lombard Kingdom in Tuscany. The Lombards dominated the region between 568 and 569, conquering all the provinces north of the Po, and occupied the western territories of Tuscany between the Cecina and Ombrone rivers.

The founding of Chiusdino was established by the Lombards within the new administrative definition of the conquered territories, particularly the establishment of military units called "Arimannie" and the foundation of fortifications called "clusae" or "clausurae", for the control of passes and the collection of tariffs.

With the conquest of the Regnum Langobardorum by Charlemagne in 773, Tuscany was redesigned with the creation of "comitatus" and Counts. The castle of Chiusdino, located in the diocese of Volterra, found itself in the "comitatus" established in that city.

Until the eleventh century, the settlement of Chiusdino was limited to the central nucleus, on the top of the hill, enclosed by a rather short perimeter wall, on which a gate still preserved today opened. Within the city walls, there was the church of San Michele Arcangelo and the church of San Martino.

The castle and the mines

Starting from the twelfth century, the castle of Chiusdino enlarged significantly, becoming a reason for contention between the bishop of Volterra and the Counts of the Gherardesca. This development is believed to be related to the presence of the abbey of Serena and the cultivation of the silver mines of the neighboring castles of Miranduolo and Montieri.

Chiusdino then became one of the main centers of silver production in Tuscany and to this day, the remains of the mines in the area can be admired.

The view of the Val di Merse

The top of the hill on which Chiusdino stands offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the Val di Merse. In addition to the mines, the town offers numerous tourist attractions, from medieval settlements to the many cultural events held throughout the year.

There are also restaurants and farmhouses where visitors can taste typical Tuscan dishes and enjoy local cuisine, enriched with products of the land such as olive oil, wine, and cheese.


In summary, Chiusdino is a characteristic town that offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the history and culture of Tuscany. From its medieval settlements to the silver mines, numerous tourist attractions, the splendid panorama of the Val di Merse, and local cuisine, Chiusdino offers unforgettable moments to anyone who visits.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Sunday, Nov 6, 2022