
Discovering Gazzelli: a Ligurian village to visit

Gazzelli is a hamlet of the municipality of Chiusanico, located in the province of Imperia. With a population of 147, this small village preserves its medieval history and offers visitors many places of religious interest and cultural events. Let's discover together its history, monuments, and most important events.

History of Gazzelli

During the Middle Ages, Gazzelli was part of the Marca Aleramica and later had feudal possession by the Marchesati di Clavesana and the Diocese of Albenga-Imperia. In 1576, the property was sold to Duke Emanuele Filiberto I of Savoy, and after being enfeoffed to the Gandolfi family, it was incorporated into the territory of Oneglia. Over time, the territory of Gazzelli was incorporated into various states, including the Kingdom of Sardinia, the Ligurian Republic, the First French Empire, and the Kingdom of Italy. In 1928, the municipality of Gazzelli was abolished and merged with Chiusanico as a hamlet.

Gazzelli: discover the medieval history and religious sites of this Ligurian town.

Monuments and places of interest

Gazzelli is rich in monuments and places of religious interest. Among these, there is the Church of Sant'Andrea, which houses a painting by Bartolomeo Biscaino, and the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Visitazione or della Madonna degli Angeli, built in the 17th century. The Oratory of the Holy Cross or of the Disciplinants, on the other hand, is a structure completely renovated in the 17th century, which served as the headquarters of the homonymous confraternity. Another important chapel is that of San Nicolao, one of the oldest in the area built in the 12th century. During a visit to Gazzelli, you cannot help but discover the many monuments and corners of the territory that preserve the history of this hamlet.

Cultural events

Gazzelli is not only a place of religious interest but also offers several cultural events. On July 2, the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is celebrated with a related dinner, while on November 30, the patronal feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle is celebrated. Participating in these celebrations means fully experiencing the culture of the territory and getting to know the traditions that animate it.


In conclusion, Gazzelli is a hamlet to visit to discover its medieval history and admire the many places of religious interest. With its cultural events, it is also a destination to prefer if you want to actively participate in the life of the territory. A visit to Gazzelli is recommended for those who want to learn and deepen their knowledge of the history and traditions of Liguria.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Feb 6, 2023