
Welcome to Chiusanico

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about Chiusanico, a beautiful Italian municipality in the province of Imperia in Liguria. The municipality has a population of 583 inhabitants and is located along the left side of the Impero stream valley. One thing that immediately catches the eye are the beautiful peaks in the area, including Mount Torre or Pizzo d'Evigno, Pizzo Montin, Mount Caro, and the San Giacomo pass.

The history of Chiusanico

As for its history, the toponym of Chiusanico is said to have been first mentioned in 1298 in the Latin form of "Villa Plausaneghi". There are several hypotheses on the origins of the Chiusanico territory, but there is no certain and documented evidence. One hypothesis refers to the foundation of the first village of "Plautianicum" by a family of Roman origin, the Plautia, near the current nucleus around the church of San Lorenzo.

In the medieval period, the territories of Chiusanico, Gazzelli, and Torria fell under the Aleramici, later in the feudal possessions of the Marchesato di Clavesana and then among the areas subject to the Diocese of Albenga-Imperia. With a contract signed on January 30, 1298, at the church of Santa Maria in Fontibus, the ingauno bishop Nicolò Vaschino sold his feudal rights on Chiusanico and the Oneglia valley to the brothers Nicolò and Federico Doria for the sum of 10,000 Genoese lire.

The ownership of the three fiefs was then subject to the Doria family for over two centuries, with the exception of the village of Torria which became owned by the counts Lascaris di Ventimiglia in the early 16th century. In 1576, the entire property was sold to Duke Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, who included this part of the territory (feudal to the Gandolfi family) in Oneglia correlated to the Duchy of Savoy. This affiliation to the Savoy State (now the Kingdom of Sardinia) lasted until the beginning of the 19th century when, with the Napoleonic events, the established municipalities of Chiusanico, Gazzelli, and Torria merged between 1801 and 1803 into the Republic of Liguria, forming the VII Olive Canton in the Jurisdiction of Ulivi.

Discover Chiusanico: history, nature and Ligurian villages.

The capital village of Chiusanico

The capital village of Chiusanico has been divided into three historical nuclei that are very interesting to visit. The first nucleus is called Castello and is located further upstream on a hill, in a panoramic position along the ridge of Mount Scorticabecco. This is the oldest village, which was already the seat of the medieval Castellania of Montarosio. The second part is called Villa and is the central part of the village. Here you will find the parish church and the town hall. Finally, the Gerini nucleus is located in the lower part of the village. It is a toponym of a hamlet coinciding with a surname of the place, which at least suggests a connection in this regard.


Chiusanico is truly an experience to try. Here you can enjoy the beauty of the mountains, discover the parish church and the town hall, and immerse yourself in the history of this beautiful village. Don't forget to also visit its surroundings, with a wide range of outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling, among others.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Monday, Feb 6, 2023