San Carlo

Let's Explore San Carlo: History and Monuments

Welcome to San Carlo, a beautiful village located just a few kilometers from the city of Palermo. The first thing you might notice is the curious Sicilian pronunciation of the name, "San Carru". Let's discover together the history and the monuments of interest of this picturesque town.


San Carlo was founded in 1628 by the Genoese knight Ido Lercari, who obtained a "licentia populandi" for the foundation of the village. Throughout the centuries, San Carlo has undergone several transformations. At the end of the 19th century, the village became an important railway hub, but the abolition of the railway in 1958 and the emigration of many San Carleans caused a considerable reduction in population.

San Carlo: History, Monuments and Flavours of Sicily.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Despite the vicissitudes of history, San Carlo still preserves many monuments and places of interest. The inhabited center has a regular grid layout and a large central square, where you can find the parish church of San Carlo Borromeo, built in the 17th century. The square is surrounded by the clock tower and the remains of feudal buildings, such as the warehouse, the bakery, the fondaco, and the oil mills. In the background stands the school building.

To the south, outside the inhabited center, are the remains of the San Carlo mill. In the upper part of the town, there is the "u" Canali, i.e., the historic watering place of the village. Don't miss the chance to visit the "Rupe di Cristia", a hill 514 meters above sea level, which preserves the ruins of the Gristia Castle dating back to the 16th century. You can also visit the former railway station, completely renovated in the early 2000s and currently home to a restaurant.

San Carlo is part of the Monti di Palazzo Adriano and Valle del Sosio Oriented Nature Reserve, established in 1997 and also including the territories of the municipalities of Bivona, Burgio, and Chiusa Sclafani. Inside the reserve, the oldest fossil remains in Sicily were found.



Agriculture represents the main economic sector of San Carlo. Thanks to the presence of the Sosio river, many productive gardens were born that produce oranges, peaches, olives, vegetables, and much more. Among the most valuable agricultural products of San Carlo, there is extra virgin olive oil. San Carlo oranges are included in the production area of the Ribera Orange, a particularly appreciated protected designation of origin.

Festivals and Events

Every year, in mid-August, San Carlo celebrates the Celebrations in honor of San Carlo Borromeo. The Peach Festival is one of the most anticipated moments of the festival, which also includes musical, folkloric, and sports shows. You can participate in go-kart and football competitions, but don't forget the procession that crosses the streets of the village, dedicated to the emigrated San Carleans.

We have come to the end of our tour of San Carlo. We hope to have piqued your curiosity enough to make you want to visit this beautiful village. Come and discover the nature, history, and gastronomic tradition of this splendid corner of Sicily. We are waiting for you in San Carlo!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Thursday, Feb 2, 2023