
A brief introduction to Chiuduno

Hello guys! Today I will talk to you about Chiuduno, a small Italian town located in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy. With its 5994 inhabitants, Chiuduno is located between the Bergamo plain and the Valcalepio, about 15 kilometers east of Bergamo.

The history of the town

The inhabitants of Chiuduno can boast of having an ancient history. The town dates back to the time of Gallic domination, around the 5th century BC. The original name of the town was ''Claudun'', which means a place located near hills or mountains in Celtic dialect. During the Roman period, the name was changed to ''Claudunum'', which later became the current toponym.

During the Roman period, the village of Chiuduno grew thanks to the presence of a road that connected Bergamo with Brescia. The road was located at the base of the hills of Valcalepio, where the town developed. The reclamation of the land favored the spread of settlements and the creation of an important road network, including the Via Francesca, also used for military reasons.

One of the most important relics found on the Via Francesca is the famous milestone near the oratory of Saints Cosma and Damiano. The milestone is considered one of the most important Roman epigraphs in the Province of Bergamo.

The first documents mentioning the name of the town date back to 795, while in 928 a document refers to a votive chapel dedicated to Saint Vito, of which nothing remains today. During the Middle Ages, the town saw significant development, thanks to its strategic position on the road that connected the Orobic capital with the nearby city of Brescia.

Discover the history of Chiuduno: ancient roots and renowned products.

The fortress of Chiuduno

The strategic position of the town made it subject to the political ambitions of various seigniories. To protect the town, a fortress was built on the hill overlooking the town. Initially owned by the bishopric, it was acquired in the 14th century by the Suardi family. The fortress characterized the history of Chiuduno to the point that stories and legends were created about its impregnability.

Chiuduno during the Unification of Italy

In more recent times, the town made the headlines for providing three participants in the expedition of the thousand, organized by Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860 to obtain the unification of Italy. Of these three, the most important was Giuseppe Tironi, who passed into history as the official trumpeter of the expedition itself.

Chiuduno today

In the 20th century, Chiuduno was characterized by a marked propensity both towards the industrial sector, developing button industries, and towards agriculture, thanks to the cultivation of grapes that allow the production of an excellent red wine called Valcalepio. The wine is recognized with the D.O.C. label and Chiuduno's products are renowned worldwide.

Not only is Chiuduno famous for its products, but it also gave birth to Guido Gambarini, a distinguished musician and professor. Every year, at the end of May, the "Lo Spirito del Pianeta" event takes place at the sports/fairground complex. It is an indigenous international festival where conferences are held and representatives of cultures from around the world perform with music and dance.


And so, guys, this is the story of the history of Chiuduno. I hope you enjoyed discovering the roots of this small Italian town. If you are in the area, I recommend you visit this city rich in history, culture, and delicious products. I guarantee you will not be disappointed!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Friday, Jan 28, 2022