Chiesina Uzzanese

Chiesina Uzzanese: the gem of Valdinievole

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a small gem in Valdinievole, Chiesina Uzzanese. This municipality, located in the province of Pistoia, Tuscany, has about 4,453 inhabitants and is the smallest in Valdinievole. Let's explore together the curiosities and beauties of Chiesina Uzzanese.

Physical geography

The municipality lies near the western limit of Valdinievole, northwest of Padule di Fucecchio and north of the hills of Cerbaie. It consists of the main town and three hamlets: Chiesanuova, Molin Nuovo (both in the northern part of the municipality) and Capanna (located south of the main town). The climate of Chiesina Uzzanese is classified as zone D, with 1695 heating degree days and a medium atmospheric diffusivity, according to Ibimet CNR 2002.

Chiesina Uzzanese: a Tuscan gem to discover.


The history of Chiesina Uzzanese has ancient roots, dating back to around 1300 when a settlement arose on the edge of the "lake of Valdinievole" (now Padule di Fucecchio) with a xenodochium for pilgrims. Over time, the town expanded to become the inhabited center we know today. In 1893, the area of Chiesina that was part of the Municipality of Pescia asked and obtained the transfer to the Municipality of Uzzano, of which Chiesina became the most important and populous hamlet. Only in 1963 did the town manage to obtain municipal autonomy, finally becoming the Municipality of Chiesina Uzzanese.


The economy of the town was originally based on fishing, practiced in the marshy area in which it was surrounded. Following the reclamation of the wetland areas, Chiesina Uzzanese expanded until it reached a good size in the 19th century. In the 20th century, the area was characterized by the cultivation of flowers, which made the area famous for the floricultural trade with the nearby Pescia flower market. Unfortunately, starting from the 1990s, floriculture suffered a heavy crisis that caused the closure of numerous companies. Since then, Chiesina Uzzanese has ceased to have the characteristics of an agricultural municipality.

Events and traditions

Despite the agricultural crisis, Chiesina Uzzanese still retains its traditions. One of the most important events is the Sagra del Fagiolo (Bean Festival), which takes place in September and celebrates one of the typical products of the town. During the festival, you can taste delicacies made with beans and take part in the events organized by the committee. In addition, every year, Chiesina Uzzanese hosts the feast of Saint John the Baptist, the patron saint of the town, with a series of events and shows and the characteristic livestock fair.

Places to visit

If you pass through Chiesina Uzzanese, you cannot miss a visit to the beautiful church of Santa Maria, a medieval temple located in the old part of the historic center. The church has undergone several transformations over the years and today features Gothic architecture. Moreover, the historic Ponte Uzzanese (Uzzanese Bridge), from which the town takes its name, is an unmissable destination for history lovers. The bridge crosses the Pescia stream, north of the current inhabited center, and is an important reference point for the community.


In conclusion, Chiesina Uzzanese is a town worth visiting. With its millenary history, lush nature, and ancient traditions, Chiesina Uzzanese fascinates visitors of all ages. I hope this brief summary has piqued your curiosity and that you feel like visiting this small gem of Valdinievole.

Davide Neri
Wrote by Davide Neri
Updated Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022