
Welcome to Chiavenna: a place of history and tourism

Hello everyone! Are you ready to discover more about the fascinating city of Chiavenna? This town in Lombardy, located in the province of Sondrio, has about 7,149 inhabitants and holds a very ancient history. The name Chiavenna comes from the pre-Latin theme "clav," which means "jutting rock," and the town played an important role in the heart of Rhaetia, on the roads between the Po Valley and the Rhine basin. Today, however, Chiavenna has become a popular tourist destination, especially famous for its Crotti. In this article, we will guide you in discovering the landscape, climate, and history of Chiavenna, a true gem in the Italian hinterland.

Physical geography: a nature treasure

Chiavenna is located north of Lake Como, on the Mera River, not far from the confluence with the Liro stream. The Valchiavenna originates precisely at this point, on the banks of the Mera, and has been indicated as the "Piano di Chiavenna." This location allows you to enjoy a truly unique landscape. Moreover, the diversification of activities has been favored by the position of the town between the two slopes of the Val Bregaglia, a real treasure of nature. Here, mountain agriculture has characterized the landscape with terraces on the valley slopes. The proto-industrialization of the area, on the other hand, allowed the exploitation of the waters of the Mera through a system of intakes and mills for various activities.

Chiavenna: History, Nature and Tourism in Lombardy


The climate of Chiavenna is determined by the type of relief and its geographical position. According to the Köppen climate classification, the city has a humid temperate climate with significant annual rainfall and a hot summer. Despite the presence of the Alps, Chiavenna enjoys a climate positively influenced by the proximity to Lake Como and Lake Mezzola.

History: a journey through time

The city of Chiavenna, known in Roman times as Clavenna, was the site of important settlements dating back to the Roman era. In fact, the town was crossed by two Roman roads: the "via Regina" and the "via Spluga." In the Roman period, it was the capital of the Bergalei, then aggregated to the territory of Como. The town underwent numerous changes of power between the Lombards, Franks, and the Holy Roman Empire.

Conclusions: a destination not to be missed

So, did you enjoy this brief presentation of the city of Chiavenna? Let yourself be led by a tour to discover the unique landscape, culture, and millennial history of this wonderful place. If you are looking for a trip to discover picturesque places and nature, Chiavenna is definitely the destination for you. Don't miss the opportunity to savor the local cuisine and culture, from gastronomy to Crotti, natural parks, and historical heritage, which we can guarantee will be an endless discovery.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, Jul 6, 2022