
Discovering Chiaromonte: a hidden gem in Basilicata

Chiaromonte, a municipality in the province of Potenza in Basilicata with 1743 inhabitants, is a hidden gem in a strategic location. Situated on a rocky spur at 794 m above sea level overlooking the Pollino National Park, it dominates the valley of the Sinni river to the south and the valley of the Serrapotamo stream to the north. The historic center is nestled on the rocky spur like an amphitheater, while the modern center has rapidly expanded on the slopes of the hill.

The history of Chiaromonte

Chiaromonte has a long history dating back to the Iron Age. The first human settlements date back to that period and were probably influenced by Greek culture. Over the centuries, Chiaromonte became an important commercial center. During the Roman period, the area was dominated by the Romans who built a fortress in Castrovetere, south of present-day Chiaromonte. In the Middle Ages, the feudal families Chiaromonte and Sanseverino built the castle, now an ex-monastery, and the walls with cylindrical and square towers.

Discover Chiaromonte: the hidden gem of Basilicata

Places of interest

Chiaromonte has some monuments and places of interest that are worth visiting.

The mother church of San Giovanni Battista

The church of San Giovanni Battista, with three naves, is one of the most important places of worship in the center; it may have been built between the 11th and 12th centuries and initially dedicated to San Nicola di Mira. Following restoration work carried out in 1790, the church took on approximately its current form and size.

The Timpa Angari

The Timpa Angari is a hill that rises east of the town center of Chiaromonte. Here is the former local archaeological area, the site of the discovery of a tomb of an Italic warrior from the 6th century BC.

The caves

Chiaromonte is also famous for the numerous caves carved into the rock that contain the reserves of red wine produced artisanally from local vineyards. Wine is a fundamental element of Chiaromonte's gastronomy.


In conclusion, Chiaromonte is a charming place with a long history and a unique location. The historic center nestled on the rocky spur and the presence of numerous caves make it a unique place to taste local delicacies. If you are traveling to Basilicata, do not miss the opportunity to visit Chiaromonte, you could be pleasantly surprised by the wonders this municipality offers.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Tuesday, Sep 6, 2022