
Welcome to Chiarano: The city and its name

Welcome to the city of Chiarano, a municipality located in the province of Treviso in the Veneto region, with a population of approximately 3642 inhabitants. The name of the city derives from the Latin Clarius and probably refers to an ancient landowner, which led to its transformation into "Ciaràn" in the Venetian language.

The history of Chiarano

Chiarano, like much of the Veneto territory, was a part of the Republic of Venice from the 14th century onwards. Over the centuries, the city underwent numerous changes, from the raids of the French militias in the early 1800s that caused looting of the churches and abuses on the population, to the fall of the Republic of Venice in 1797, to the Austrian period and eventually joining the Kingdom of Italy.

During the First World War, Chiarano was occupied by the forces of the Central Powers, and the post-war period was characterized by a decrease in those employed in agriculture and heavy emigration. Only later, with the opening of the first factories, did the country's economic situation improve.

Discover Chiarano: history, monuments, and evolving economy.

Visit the monuments and places of interest

Among the monuments and places of interest in Chiarano are the Church of San Bartolomeo Apostle, the Cedar of Lebanon, and Villa Zeno.

The Church of San Bartolomeo Apostle is the main church of the municipality, located in Piazza della Libertà. The structure dates back to the late 1300s and is an example of late Venetian Gothic style.

The Cedar of Lebanon is located inside Villa Zeno, one of the main villas in Chiarano. This example of cedar is believed to have been planted around 1650.

Villa Zeno, on the other hand, is a Palladian-style Venetian villa dating back to the 16th century.

The society of Chiarano

Chiarano has seen an increase in the foreign population in recent years, with 13.5% of the population made up of foreigners as of December 31, 2017. The largest groups are of Romanian, Senegalese, Moroccan, and Indian origin.

The economy of Chiarano

Agriculture has long been the main source of income for Chiarano, but in recent decades, the economy has shifted towards industry. Precision mechanical industry, wood processing, plastic molding for the automotive sector, and information technology are some of the main activities present. However, the wine-making tradition of the area continues to be an important strength.


Chiarano is a city with an interesting history and cultural heritage, which continues to transform and evolve over time. Its agricultural and viticultural traditions are complemented by a growing industry, while the population becomes increasingly diverse. Chiarano is a dynamic town worth visiting to discover its history, monuments, and evolving economy.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Aug 13, 2022