
Cheremule, a small town surrounded by nature

Cheremule is a municipality in the province of Sassari, located in the historic region of Meilogu. With just 402 inhabitants, this seems to be the typical Sardinian village with a strong connection to nature. The town is surrounded by greenery, and particularly significant is the forest of Su Tippiri, which extends from the slopes of the town to the provincial road to Thiesi and the pine forest of Mount Cuccuruddu. The beauty of the territory in Cheremule is one of its most important resources.

History and symbols of Cheremule

The territory of Cheremule has been inhabited since the Neolithic period due to the presence of several archaeological sites, and in Nuragic Sardinia due to the presence of some Nuraghe. In the Middle Ages, it belonged to the Giudicato of Torres and became a fief under the Aragonese before being incorporated into the Marquisate of Montemaggiore in 1636. The coat of arms and flag of the municipality of Cheremule were granted in 2005 and the flag is a yellow cloth with a blue border.

Cheremule, the small Sardinian municipality between nature and history

Monuments and places of interest

The Church of San Gabriele Arcangelo is the main place of worship in Cheremule and was built in Spanish Gothic style of the sixteenth century with a feast celebrated on September 29th. The Church of Santa Croce is another place of worship in the village and has a simple and rural architecture. In the town's territory, there are several Nuraghe and some hypogeal necropolises that date back to pre-Nuragic Sardinia. The Necropolis of Moseddu is particularly noteworthy for the domus de janas that host graffiti and bovine protomes both inside and outside.

Society in Cheremule

The population of Cheremule has constantly decreased, going from 732 inhabitants in 1951 to only 402 in 2021. The language spoken in Cheremule is Sardinian, particularly the northern Logudorese variant.

Anthropical Geography

The municipal territory of Cheremule also includes the administrative island of Lados de Pramma, which covers an area of 3.92 km².


The administration of the municipality of Cheremule is composed of a mayor and a city council elected every five years.

In summary, Cheremule is a very small municipality that has its charm thanks to the surrounding natural beauties and the presence of historical and archaeological sites, which testify to human presence since the Neolithic period. Despite the decrease in population, the town preserves its language and culture, keeping alive the traditions of the past.

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Friday, Sep 30, 2022