
Cesarò: a small town nestled in the mountains of the Nebrodi

Cesarò is an Italian town with a population of 2,169 people, located in the metropolitan city of Messina in Sicily. This town is situated in the area of the Nebrodi Mountains, within the famous natural park that hosts some of the highest peaks in Sicily. In particular, Cesarò is situated between the northern and southern slopes of the mountains, encompassing the most scenic section of the Nebrodi range, which includes the highest peak in the chain, Monte Soro, and the Biviere and Lago Maulazzo lakes. Due to its altitude, Cesarò is the second highest town in Sicily.

The location is so isolated that the distance from the main cities is substantial: 70 km from Catania, 115 km from Messina, and 170 km from Palermo. Despite the remote location, the town of Cesarò is a very attractive destination for adventurous tourists who love nature and tranquility.


The climate of the town is influenced by its geographical location in the Nebrodi Mountains and its relative altitude. During winter, especially between January and February, the climate is harsh with low temperatures and frequent snowfalls (climate zone E). During summer, the temperatures are pleasant thanks to the high altitude and the presence of forests.

Cesarò: between nature and history in the Nebrodi Mountains.


Cesarò is an ancient settlement, yet its origins are not well-documented. Historical information centered on relevant individuals and dates is scarce and dates back to the seventeenth century. However, the urban nucleus probably existed before the thirteenth century, as a Norman fortification, and its first lords were members of the Colonna Romano family. Among the names of this family are Giovanni, Archbishop of Messina (1255), Cristoforo, trusted physician of King Federico II d'Aragona and Stratigoto of Messina (1320-1328), his son Tommaso (1420), and many others. In total, there were 14 feudal lords until the eighteenth century. The origin of the name Cesarò is unknown.

In 1768, the Montagna Frumentaria, a support for poor farmers in the municipality, was established in Cesarò.

Monuments and Places of Interest

The architectural and cultural heritage of Cesarò is diverse and interesting. In particular, the town is rich in important churches and castles.

Religious Architecture

The Cathedral of the Annunciation is the main place of worship in Cesarò. It is located in the oldest part of the historical center and dates back to the sixteenth century. Other important places of worship are the Church of San Calogero, the Church of Santa Caterina, the Church of Madonna delle Grazie, and the Church of Sant'Antonio.

Civil Architecture

The main castles in Cesarò are the Castel Colonna Romano and the Castel di Bolo. Both castles date back to the medieval period and are witnesses of the feudal past of the town.

The Palazzo Zito is another important attraction in Cesarò. Once the residence of the eponymous family, it has been opened to the public after restoration. Palazzo Zito houses original frescoes, furnishings, and floors and is the only noteworthy-sized building located in the town.

Natural reserves

The Biviere Lake and the Maulazzo Lake are two natural attractions in the municipality of Cesarò. These lakes are located amidst the Nebrodi Mountains and are immersed in breathtaking scenery.


The population of Cesarò is constantly decreasing, and the town has lost about half of its inhabitants in recent decades.


The cuisine of Cesarò is part of the island's peasant tradition and utilizes easily available few ingredients. The dishes are simple and flavorful, often enriched with herbs and spices. Local cuisine is perfect for tourists seeking authentic and rustic food.

Cesarò, with its mountainous landscapes and medieval history, is a town rich in cultural and natural attractions. If you love the mountains and history, this is the perfect place for you.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Sunday, Jan 16, 2022