
Discovering Cerzeto

Cerzeto is a picturesque town in the province of Cosenza, nestled in the Crati valley with an altitude of about 400 meters above sea level and a population of 1320 inhabitants. The community of Cerzeto is composed of two culturally and linguistically Arbëreshë villages: San Giacomo di Cerzeto and Cavallerizzo.

Origins of the Name

The name Cerzeto probably derives from the Latin "quercus," which means oak forest. In Cerzeto, the surrounding nature is mainly made up of oak trees.

Discover picturesque Cerzeto: history, culture, and nature in an Arbëreshë town.


Cerzeto was founded in 1478 by a group of Albanian families who emigrated to Italy to escape the Ottoman army that threatened the Balkans. Along with the town of Cerzeto, the villages of San Giacomo and Cavallerizzo were also built. First it was under the Baronìa di San Marco and then to the Cavalvanti.


Demographic Evolution

In recent years, Cerzeto's population has remained stable at around 1300 inhabitants.


In Cerzeto, Arbëreshë tradition and culture are still very present. It is possible to admire the traditional Albanian costume that women wear on special occasions, such as during weddings.

Festivals and Traditions

The most important traditions are linked to religious festivals and the cycle of the year. During the Christmas period, the game of cheese and disc is played, continuing until the Carnival holiday. During these three days of celebration, no work is done because, according to an old tale, they are the days of Santa Zagaria and everything that is put into operation is nibbled by mice. On December 6th, St. Nicholas of Myra, the patron saint of the town, is celebrated.

Anthropological Geography


The villages of Cerzeto are communities of ethnic and linguistic origin belonging to the Albanian cultural and linguistic island.

San Giacomo di Cerzeto

San Giacomo di Cerzeto is located one kilometer south of Cerzeto, at the foot of the hill "Serra dei muli" covered with centuries-old chestnut trees. In the village, there is a 1700s statue of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio, in the church of the homonymous Confraternity. It is also possible to visit the Albanian ethnographic museum that collects tools related mainly to the peasant and artisanal environment. Albanian writer Padre Antonio Santoro lived in San Giacomo di Cerzeto.


To the north of Cerzeto is the village of Cavallerizzo, also known as "San Giorgio in San Marco." There is a weaving school where blankets and tapestries are produced with traditional designs inspired by the Orient.


Cerzeto is a city that still maintains its Albanian cultural identity. Tradition and history are particularly evident in the three villages, where traditional costumes can still be seen and ancient works of art admired. Thanks to its privileged position, Cerzeto also offers a unique natural spectacle, with its green meadows, woods, and centuries-old chestnut groves.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Tuesday, Feb 14, 2023