
Cervasca: a welcoming town in the Piedmont Alps

Cervasca is an Italian town located in the enchanting Piedmont region, in the province of Cuneo. With a population of 5,165, the town is located within the Stura Valley Mountain Community and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the area.

Physical geography

Cervasca is situated in a picturesque location within the Alpine valleys and offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountains. The town covers an area of 18.39 square kilometers and is located at an altitude of 618 meters above sea level.

Cervasca: between alpine valleys and local culture


The history of Cervasca dates back to the Middle Ages, when the town was part of the feud of the Marquis of Saluzzo. Over the centuries, the town suffered numerous invasions and pillages, but after World War II, a period of reconstruction and economic development began that made the town one of the reference points in the area.


Demographic evolution

In recent years, Cervasca has seen a constant growth in its population, largely due to the arrival of foreign citizens from various parts of the world. According to data provided by the National Institute of Statistics as of December 31, 2017, foreign residents in Cervasca were 266, mostly of Romanian, Albanian and Indian nationality.

Ethnicity and foreign minorities

The foreign community living in Cervasca is very active and well integrated into the social and cultural life of the town. There are numerous cultural and volunteer associations operating within the community, offering services and support to newcomers.

Monuments and points of interest

Cervasca is rich in monuments and points of interest, particularly religious buildings that testify to the faith and devotion of its citizens.

Religious architecture

The Madonna del Carmine church, the parish church of Santo Stefano, the church of Santa Maria del Belvedere and the shrine dedicated to the Madonna of the Alps and Saint Maurice are some of the most important places of worship in the town. In addition, the parish church of San Defendente and the parish church of San Bernardo are two of the oldest and most picturesque religious buildings in the town.


The local administration of Cervasca is very active and dynamic, committed to improving the quality of life of its citizens and promoting the economic and cultural development of the town.


The town of Cervasca has several twinnings with other European cities, including a particularly strong one with the city of Lyon, in France.

Infrastructure and Transportation

Cervasca is not served by rail transport, but only by local public transport lines. In particular, bus lines 3 and 84 provide frequent connection with the city of Cuneo, allowing citizens to easily access other urban and suburban public transport connections.


In conclusion, Cervasca represents an ideal destination for those looking for a holiday dedicated to nature and tranquillity, in an enchanting mountainous setting in the heart of the Piedmont Alps. The town offers numerous opportunities for entertainment, culture, and relaxation, together with a warm and genuine welcome from the local community.

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Sunday, Sep 4, 2022