Cervara di Roma

Welcome to Cervara di Roma!

Hello everyone, today I'll talk about a picturesque Italian town called Cervara di Roma. Cervara di Roma is a small town with a population of 451 located in the metropolitan city of Rome Capital, in Lazio. The territory of Cervara di Roma is located between 419 and 1,611 meters above sea level, with an overall altimetric difference of 1,192 meters.

Physical Geography: A Mountainous Area

The mountainous territory of Cervara di Roma is part of the Valle dell'Aniene and is located along the western slopes of the Simbruini Mountains. This area is the gateway to the Appennino-Monti Simbruini Regional Nature Park, the largest protected area in the Lazio region with its 29,990 hectares. The town center of Cervara is located at 1,053 m above sea level and is the highest in the metropolitan city of Rome and the second-highest in Lazio after Filettino.

Cervara di Roma: History, Art, and Nature.

Climate of Cervara di Roma

The climate of Cervara di Roma is temperate-cold. During winter, temperatures can easily drop below 0°C, accompanied by frequent rains and occasional heavy snowfalls. In summer, the average temperature is around 25-28°C, and rarely exceeds 30°C in areas above 1000 meters above sea level. The area is classified as zone F, 3134 GR / G.

The History of Cervara di Roma: From Prehistory to the Middle Ages

Cervara di Roma has a rich and ancient history dating back to prehistory and the Villanovan culture. This area was inhabited by the Etruscans and Romans, who left several traces of their presence. In the Middle Ages, Cervara di Roma became an important trading center thanks to its strategic location between Rome and Abruzzo.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Cervara di Roma is rich in monuments and places of interest, such as the Church of Maria Santissima della Visitazione, also dedicated to Saint Elisabetta and Saint Felice, the patron saint of the town. This church is located near the ruins of the medieval fortress in the historic center and is built entirely of local stone. Inside, there are art treasures such as the oil painting on canvas depicting the Visitation, attributed to Vincenzo Manenti di Orvinio, and the painting depicting the Madonna del Carmine.

Another point of interest is the Church of Santa Maria della Portella, located in a dominant position overlooking the Aniene Valley. Its construction dates back to 1514, and inside there is a terracotta statue depicting the Madonna and Child.

Other religious buildings in Cervara di Roma are the Church of Sant'Emidio and the Church of San Rocco, the patron saint of epidemics and the plague.


Cervara di Roma is a small Italian town located in a mountainous area, rich in history and monuments. Its strategic location between Rome and Abruzzo made it an important trading center in the Middle Ages. Today, Cervara di Roma is the ideal place for nature and mountain excursions, as well as for those who want to immerse themselves in Italian history and culture.

Martina Moretti
Updated Saturday, Jul 9, 2022