Cerreto Laziale

From the Middle Ages to the present day

The town was a fiefdom of the Orsini, Colonna, and Borghese Counts. In the 12th century, it was home to a castle, of which only a few remains remain today. During the Middle Ages, the town was at the center of the "Massa jubenzana" which also included the municipalities of Rocca Canterano, Anticoli Corrado, Saracinesco, Sambuci, and Gerano. In the 18th century, the town came under the control of the Borghese family and became an agricultural center.

During World War II, the town suffered significant damage due to bombings and was looted by German troops. After the war, a phase of reconstruction and modernization began.

Cerreto Laziale: history, art and traditions among chestnuts, wine and polygonal walls.

Monuments and places of interest

Church of Madonna della Neve

The town's parish church is dedicated to Madonna della Neve and was built in the 18th century. Inside are works of considerable artistic value, including a crucifix from the 15th century and a painting of Madonna della Neve from the 18th century.

Farolfa Fountain

In the Fonte Farolfa district, there is an ancient Roman fountain dating back to the 1st century BC, whose water was used to irrigate the fields and gardens in the area.

Polygonal walls

In the territory of Cerreto Laziale, there are also the polygonal walls of Arnale and Fonte Farolfa, which date back to the pre-Roman era and represent a unique example of defensive architecture in the area.

Events and traditions

Madonna della Neve festival

On August 5th, the Madonna della Neve festival is celebrated, the patron saint of the town, with the procession of the Madonna statue through the streets of the town and with the solemn mass in her honor.

Chestnut festival

In autumn, the chestnut festival is held, during which you can taste local cuisine specialties and watch music and dance performances.

Historical reenactment of the "Massa jubenzana"

In July, the historical reenactment of the "Massa jubenzana" takes place, during which the life and traditions of the Middle Ages are reenacted in one of the municipalities that were part of this ancient territory.


The local economy is mainly based on agriculture, with the production of olives, wine, and chestnuts. In recent years, tourism has also developed thanks to the beauty of the landscape and the presence of numerous trekking and mountain biking trails.

Culture and society

The town has a municipal library, a socio-cultural center, and a cultural association that organizes events and manifestations to promote local culture.


Cerreto Laziale is a small village immersed in nature, where it is possible to spend moments of peace and relaxation away from the chaos of the city. The town has a rich history and traditions to discover, along with the beauty of the surrounding area. Its economy is based on the cultivation of local products and tourism, which represents a great opportunity to develop the entire area.

Martina Moretti
Updated Friday, Dec 23, 2022