Cernusco sul Naviglio

Cernusco sul Naviglio: a Lombardy city with a rich history

Cernusco sul Naviglio is a municipality of about 34,000 inhabitants, located in the metropolitan city of Milan, in Lombardy. The city has a rich history that dates back to the Roman era, and has passed through many phases from medieval fiefs to the great engineering projects of the Renaissance.

Physical geography

Cernusco sul Naviglio: history of a Lombard city

The Naviglio Martesana

The Naviglio Martesana, or Naviglio Piccolo, is one of the most important landmarks of Cernusco sul Naviglio. This artificial canal begins at the hamlet of Concesa in the municipality of Trezzo sull'Adda on the right bank of the Adda river and reaches Milan. The canal was inaugurated in the 15th century and renovated in 1572. Today it is an important center for tourism and recreational activities for the citizens of Cernusco and tourists.


From Roman civilization to medieval fiefs

The territory of Cernusco sul Naviglio was crossed by an important Roman road, the Via Gallica. The municipality was called Cernusco Asinario until the mid-19th century, and according to some the place name derives from the name of the Roman official Caio Asinio. During the Lombard period, the territory of Cernusco belonged to the Basilica of San Giovanni Battista in Monza, and then passed to the Pieve of Gorgonzola under the Visconti family.

The creation of the Naviglio Martesana

In 1443, the Duke of Milan, Filippo Maria Visconti, approved the project for the creation of an artificial canal, the Naviglio Martesana, that would cross the territory of Cernusco and the nearby hamlets. The work was overseen by Bertola da Novate and was completed in 1457 when the canal was inaugurated. The canal takes the waters of the Adda river and makes them converge in the Seveso river, after Cassina de' Pomm. In 1497, the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci studied a new route and connected the canal with the waters of the Fossa interna. Today, the canal is an important tourist attraction for the area.

Fortune under the Sforza family

During the 15th century, under the Sforza family, Cernusco was assigned to the Visconti Marliani family, before passing to the Trivulzio family. In the 17th century, one of the most important feudal lords in the area, the Serbelloni family, acquired the fiefdom of Cernusco sul Naviglio.

The evolution of the municipality of Cernusco Asinario

In the 19th century, due to the decree of aggregation and union of the municipalities of the Olona department, the municipality of Cernusco Asinario remained part of the IV canton of the III district of Monza. Its population amounted to units. In 1811, however, the municipality of Cernusco was formed by the aggregates of Cernusco Asinario and Cassina de' Pecchi with Colombirolo and the Camporicco unit: included in the III district of Monza, canton V of Gorgonzola, the municipality had inhabitants.


Cernusco sul Naviglio is a city with a rich history that dates back to the Roman era and has evolved through the centuries. Today, its most important landmarks include the Naviglio Martesana, the Basilica of San Giovanni Battista in Monza, and the imposing Visconteo Castle in Trezzo sull'Adda. The city is also known for its cultural and recreational activities, including the Festival of Culture and Arts, the weekly market, and the famous Sant'Orsola Fair. With its natural beauty and cultural heritage, Cernusco sul Naviglio is an ideal tourist destination for every type of traveler.

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022