
Asparetto: a town between art and agriculture

Hello friends! Today I want to talk about Asparetto, a hamlet of the municipality of Cerea located 35 km from Verona, in the so-called "Bassa Veronese". Asparetto is a place characterized by art furniture production and agriculture. The village has about 2030 inhabitants, and is built in a low area 19 meters above sea level, near the course of the Menago River.


The name Asparetto derives from the ancient Latin "ASPER" which means "rough, harsh, inhospitable"; a perfect name for a territory initially covered by marshes and swamps. There are evidence dating back to the Palaeolithic era, when the presence of water favored fishing and protected the first human settlements. The civilization that followed continued to build houses in the highest points, now known as Piazza, Ronchiel, Campagnol, Cadabese and Isolella.

The first historical documentation attesting to the existence of Asparetto dates back to 1225. Subsequently, during the 1400s,the village was equipped with a castle, but it has now disappeared due to a fire that occurred in 1438 after a clash in Castagnaro. Until 1532, the village depended on the Pieve of Concamarise, and it then became a parish with the title of "San Nicolò".

Asparetto: between art, agriculture and history.

The church

Asparetto is closely linked to the church of San Nicolò, which was initially just a modest chapel attached to the cemetery. The bell tower, on the other hand, dates back to the Romanesque era, as confirmed by historical documents. In 1530, the painting of the patron saint of the town "San Nicolò" was created and is now located behind the altar, while in the seventeenth century the church underwent an important structural transformation. After the plague of 1630, there is little information about Asparetto until Don Lorenzo Carrara arrived and stayed in the village until 1770. Under his leadership, the church underwent significant internal and external renovations, and the sacristy, the rectory, and the theater were built. In 1847, the cemetery in front of the church was moved to Via Ferramosche. Finally, the church underwent numerous changes until 1904, when the new Farinati organ was inaugurated and the ceiling was adorned with paintings depicting the patron saint and the four evangelists.

Art furniture production and agriculture

Asparetto is well known for the production of art furniture, which represents a real craft excellence of the Veronese territory. In fact, there are many artisanal workshops that are dedicated to the production of customized antique-style furniture. Many of these workshops were founded by young artisans who decided to carry on the family tradition, passed down from generation to generation.

In addition to art, agriculture has always been another important economic activity in the village. Asparetto is surrounded by fields planted with fruit trees, vineyards, and cereals, which constitute the majority of local crops. Furthermore, many farmers in the village produce high-quality extra virgin olive oils using traditional processing methods.

The surrounding territory

The village of Asparetto is in a strategic position that makes it easily accessible from nearby cities. From Verona, it can be easily reached by car along the highway that leads to Rovigo, but you can also take the train from Caldiero station and get off at the Asparetto stop.

The surrounding territory offers numerous naturalistic and scenic attractions. For example, the Nature Reserve "Le Lame del Menago" - an oasis of biodiversity along the course of the Menago River. Or the "Cascata dell'Acquedotto Romano" located near Isola della Scala, a few kilometers from Asparetto. The waterfall is fed by a Roman aqueduct that was used to transport water to the city.


In conclusion, Asparetto is a small Veronese village that offers many opportunities to learn about local art and culture. The church of San Nicolò houses a rare work of art, the painting of the patron saint of the village, but art furniture production and agriculture are also realities to discover. The surrounding territory is rich in natural and historical beauties, which are worth visiting. Asparetto is definitely a place to discover, a welcoming and authentic place that will leave you with an indelible memory.

Alessandro Romano
Updated Wednesday, Jun 1, 2022