
Welcome to Cercola!

Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about Cercola, a municipality of the metropolitan city of Naples, in Campania. With its 16,824 inhabitants, Cercola is located at the gates of the Vesuvius National Park and is integrated into the outskirts of the city of Naples with the Ponticelli neighborhood.

The physical geography of Cercola

The municipality of Cercola also includes the Caravita fraction and is located near Vesuvius. The area is characterized by a very sandy territory, but its fruits are tasty. In this area there are also beautiful houses, built by Neapolitan lords, where they spent their vacations.

Cercola: History and Architectural Treasures of a Campanian Town.

The history of Cercola

The first news about Cercola dates back to the Bourbon period, when the Reggia of Portici and numerous villas were built along the Golden Mile. In this context, many farms and residences of appreciated beauty were also built, where Neapolitan nobles spent their vacations. This made Cercola an important center of agricultural trade.

Information on the actual urbanization of Cercola is only available in the 19th century. In 1872, due to an eruption of Vesuvius, the volcanic lava destroyed the town hall of Massa di Somma and the headquarters was moved to the Cercula fraction. There were many difficulties regarding the restoration of the previous headquarters, but over the years and under pressure from Mayor Domenico Riccardi and Senator Enrico Pessina, the headquarters was not relocated.

With a Royal Decree of July 1, 1877, the municipality of Massa di Somma was authorized to take the name of Cercola. From being a municipality, Massa di Somma became a fraction of the newly erected municipality of Cercola, and only in 1988 did it return to being a municipality again. The town was severely damaged in 1980 by the Irpinia earthquake of 1980.

Monuments and places of interest

Cercola is a town rich in history and culture. Of local interest are the churches, the town hall, and the villas built by Neapolitan nobles. Among the main religious architectures we find the church of the Virgin Mary Immaculate, the church of Santa Maria del Carmine ai Catini (1641), the church of Santa Maria Immacolata and of Sant'Antonio da Padova, the Filangieri princely chapel, the Gentilic Chapel to Giordano di Sant'Anna, the Campora family's Gentilic Chapel dedicated to Santa Maria delle Grazie, and the Riccardi family's Gentilic Chapel (19th century). Among the main civil architectures we find the Town Hall, the Villa Buonanno, the Villa De Campora, the Villa Miletto, the Campana Farm, the Rota Villa, the Villari Villa, and the Pironti Palace.


Cercola has had an important demographic evolution over the years and today has 16,824 inhabitants.


Until the fascist period, the Caravita fraction and the current neighboring municipality of Massa di Somma were fractions of the municipality of Cercola. Cercola now has a democratically elected municipal administration and mayor.

Cercola is a town that has managed to preserve its traditions and its history. An ideal destination for lovers of culture and nature, here you will find historical and natural beauties that will make your stay unforgettable.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Saturday, Mar 26, 2022