
Cellere: a small hillside town in Lazio

Cellere is a town located in the province of Viterbo, Lazio. The town is home to a modest number of people, with only 1061 inhabitants. The municipal territory is hilly and extends from northeast to southwest, with decreasing altitudes. The highest points are Monte di Cellere and Monte Marano. The climate in Cellere is classified as zone D, 203.

A brief history of Cellere

The name of the town is traced back to the ancient Roman city of "Cellae Cerris". However, the first records date back to the 8th century. The town was under the rule of various lords, including the Papal States, until the dissolution of the Duchy of Castro in 1649. The Farnese castle in Cellere, which dominates the entire town, is a symbol of its domain. After that, Cellere returned under the control of the Church, following the events of the Patrimony of Saint Peter. In 1861, Cellere was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy thanks to local patriots such as Tommaso and Francesco Mazzariggi.

Cellere: history, monuments and social life of a small town in Lazio.

Monuments and places of interest

The Church of Sant'Egidio Abate, located in a valley about 200 meters from the town, is a work of Antonio da Sangallo the Younger. The patron saint of the town, Sant'Egidio, is also depicted on the town flag along with a Cervus elaphus. According to legend, Sant'Egidio lived in an hermitage in a forest in Arles, together with a deer that kept him company and fed him with her milk.

Society in Cellere

The town of Cellere has only 1061 inhabitants. Despite this, there are 67 businesses operating in the municipal area, representing 0.29% of the total provincial active enterprises (23371 active enterprises). In 2015, these businesses employed a total of 100 people representing 0.17% of the provincial employment data (59,399 employees). On average, each business in Cellere employed only one person.

Pianiano: a nearby hamlet to Cellere

Pianiano is a hamlet located near Cellere, just two kilometers away. This small village is characterized by the beauty of its natural landscapes.


Cellere is a small hillside town with ancient history and several monuments of interest. Despite its small size, the municipal territory hosts a certain number of businesses that employ a modest number of people. Pianiano is one of the nearby hamlets of this town and also boasts charming natural landscapes.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Wednesday, Jul 20, 2022