
Welcome to Celico: a small Calabrian village surrounded by nature

Hello friends, today I will tell you about Celico, a small town in the province of Cosenza (Calabria) with a population of 2510. Its territory is characterized by the presence of Mount Serra Stella, which stands imposingly at its feet, with an altitude of 1813 meters above sea level.

The town center is located at 750 meters above sea level, while the Manneto fraction is considered the highest inhabited point, with an altitude ranging from 800 to 825 meters.

The landscape of Celico is dominated by mountains and there are numerous mountainous localities within its territory. We can mention Fago del Soldato, located at 1450 meters above sea level, Lagarò at 1154 meters above sea level, and Salerni at 1237 meters above sea level. In addition, the Monte Scuro pass, at 1618 meters above sea level, is an important crossing point to reach Mount Botte Donato, the highest peak of the Sila, which rises to 1928 meters above sea level.

The history of Celico

Celico has a very ancient history: it was part of the Universitas Casalium and gave birth to Joachim of Fiore, a prominent figure of the twelfth century. In 1600, the town became a domain of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and in 1644 it was the seat of a governor who was then expelled following a popular revolt.

Recently, the municipality has obtained its own coat of arms and flag, granted by a decree of the President of the Republic on October 3, 2005.

Celico: nature and history in a small Calabrian town.

The society of Celico

Over the years, the town has undergone changes in its social fabric, as can be seen from the demographic evolution of its population.

Infrastructure and transportation

Celico is crossed by several roads:

The administration of Celico

Regarding administration, the municipality of Celico has its own mayor and municipal council.


Celico is a small Calabrian town that has a lot to offer. Its geographical location, surrounded by nature, makes it an ideal place for those looking for tranquillity and relaxation. In addition, its history makes it an interesting destination for those who want to discover the culture and traditions of the area. I recommend visiting it if you have the opportunity!

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022