Cazzago San Martino

Let's Visit Cazzago San Martino!

Hello friends, today I'm taking you to discover the town of Cazzago San Martino, located in the beautiful region of Lombardy. With a population of just over 10,000 inhabitants, this village is a hidden gem of Brescia's Franciacorta.

Physical Geography

The territory of Cazzago San Martino is very diverse: from the plain of the Upper Padana to the hilly Franciacorta, passing through the hamlets of Calino and Bornato. Cazzago San Martino is classified as a low seismic zone and as a climate zone E, with a thermal gain of 2495 degree days.


Origins of the Name

The name "Cazzago" was modified only in 1863, thanks to the Royal Decree, and is supposed to derive from the Roman personal name "Cattius". The presence of three plaques dedicated to as many personalities during the Roman Empire in the province of Brescia attests to the use of this name.


The municipal territory of Cazzago San Martino has a rich and complex history. In the Roman period, several plaques were found in the area, while during the medieval period, the monastery of Santa Giulia had possessions near Cazzago.

Medieval Period

During the medieval period, the village was feud of the Brescia bishop who appointed a representative of the "Cazzago" family as his vassal, who took the name from the village. It was during that period that the Castle was built, which had many vicissitudes and was rebuilt several times after being destroyed by various disputes.

Venetian Domination

During the period of the Republic of Venice, Cazzago San Martino remained within the Quadra of Rovato.

What to See in Cazzago San Martino

Don't miss the opportunity to visit the Castle, whose construction dates back to the medieval period and which now houses the municipal library. In the area there are also several churches to visit, including the parish church of the Nativity, built during the 14th and 15th centuries.

Cazzago San Martino can be an interesting alternative to the classic tourist destinations of Lombardy, to enjoy a mix of culture, history, landscapes and excellent food and wine of Franciacorta.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Saturday, Mar 5, 2022