
Montegonzi: a long and interesting history

Montegonzi is a hamlet of the municipality of Cavriglia, in the province of Arezzo, with a long history dating back to Lombard origins. This medieval town was a fief of the Guidi Counts and over the years it was owned by several noble families, including the Ricasoli. In 1314 it became the property of the Ricasoli and in 1375 it was reconquered by them without acquiring the feudal rights of the inhabitants.

During the wars between Siena and Florence, Montegonzi represented one of the most important bulwarks of the Florentine Republic. Later, in 1774, the territory of the city, which was part of the League of Avane, was aggregated to the community of San Giovanni Valdarno. In 1808, with the Napoleonic reform, the municipality of Cavriglia was established, to which almost all the territory of the League of Avane was assigned. The town remained the seat of the municipality for the first few years, and the first mayor who was appointed was the Montegonzese GiovanBattista Ricci.

Monuments and places of interest in Montegonzi

Montegonzi still preserves many monuments and places of interest today, including the cassero, which was built before 1000 as a lookout by the Lombards. The fortress of Montegonzi had a structure very similar to that of Monteriggioni, surrounded by walls and equipped with a cassero, which served as the last bulwark against invasions. The access gates were of modest dimensions and opened onto bridges defended by towers overlooking the moat that ran around the city walls.

In addition to the cassero, Montegonzi hosts the Palazzo del Podestà, which was the residence of the Podestà appointed by Florence and today hosts exhibitions and cultural events. The town also has several interesting churches, including the Church of Santa Maria Assunta and the Church of San Giovanni Battista. Furthermore, the village is surrounded by beautiful Tuscan countryside, with green hills and fields of sunflowers.

Montegonzi: history and beauty of a Tuscan town.

The decline of Montegonzi and tourism

In the last century, Montegonzi has undergone a slow depopulation, with many inhabitants moving to the municipalities of Valdarno in search of work and opportunities. However, the town has become a popular tourist destination in recent decades, attracting visitors from all over the world with its beautiful countryside and cultural heritage.

Today, Montegonzi is a peaceful Tuscan town that still preserves its ancient beauty and medieval charm. Tourists can admire the historical monuments of the city, stroll through the cobbled streets of the historic center and enjoy the natural beauty surrounding the city. Montegonzi is a perfect destination for a holiday in Tuscany, where visitors can immerse themselves in Italian culture and enjoy good food, wine, and the Tuscan landscape.

In summary, Montegonzi is a city with a long and interesting history that still preserves many monuments and places of interest. Despite its depopulation in centuries past, today the town is a popular tourist destination that attracts visitors from all over the world with its beauty and medieval charm. The city is a perfect destination for a holiday in Tuscany where visitors can enjoy natural beauty and Italian culture.

Federico Conte
Updated Friday, Oct 7, 2022