
Discovering Meleto Valdarno

Hello everyone! Today I'll be talking about Meleto Valdarno, a medieval village located in the Upper Valdarno, in the province of Arezzo.

History of the village

The history of this fascinating place dates back to the 13th century. The Franzesi, owners of the eponymous castle, purchased the farm "Le Piazzole", thus expanding their property. The historic villa in the village, Villa Barberino, dates back to 874 AD, when it was a stronghold of the Longobardi. The first residential nucleus formed around the church of San Rossino and Santa Cristina, belonging to the Piviere di Gaville.

Meleto is linked to the history of the Florentine countryside and played an important role in the security and expansion of Florence. Historically, the village and castle are linked to the events of that area of the Florentine countryside and were important for Florence's predominance in the 13th and 14th centuries. The area was controlled by the Guidi Counts and their allies from Arezzo, and here the great Ghibelline Florentine families found refuge after the various hunts carried out by the Guelf side.

Valdarno Orchard: the history of a medieval village.

The strategic importance of the village

Meleto had a strong strategic importance in the Ghibelline defense line of this area, which constituted a vast network of fortifications. The defeat of the imperial plan entrusted to Frederick II's heir and the consequent Ghibelline defeat led to a gradual territorial control of the Florentine municipality in this portion of the countryside. A vast defense network was thus created, made up of castles such as San Giovanni and Castelfranco, which countered the dangers arising from Arezzo and Ghibelline raids and white exile.

Economic and social progress

Thanks to political measures related to the establishment of these "new lands", the entire region also achieved significant economic and social progress as testified by Giovanni Villani in his Chronicle. The creation of these castles contributed to involving and integrating the population into the fate of the Florentine state, and many nobles became tenants of the castles of San Giovanni and Castelfranco. Meleto benefited from the creation of these new lands, and the population grew and multiplied, becoming a good and big land.

The important road passing through Meleto

Just at the time when Florence seems to have the upper hand over these territories, a very important road passes from Barberino to Meleto, which from Florence leads to Rome passing through the lake of Perugia (Trasimeno). This road is important for trade between the two cities and for their communication.


These are the information I have gathered on Meleto Valdarno, a medieval village with a unique charm. Its history is linked to that of the Florentine countryside and its strategic importance in the Ghibelline defense line of this area. The creation of these castles had a significant impact on the economic and social progress of the region. Thanks to the important road passing through Meleto, the village also enjoys an important connection with other cities. Come and visit it and let yourself be conquered by its charm!

Federico Conte
Updated Friday, Oct 7, 2022