
Reggio Emilia: the city of Tricolore, Parmigiano Reggiano and Reggio Emilia Approach

Reggio Emilia, an ancient commune located in the Po Valley at the center of the historic Emilia region, is known as the City of Tricolore. It was here that the Italian flag was born and displayed for the first time on January 7, 1797, inspired by the flags of the Cispadane Republic. The city is also famous for Parmigiano Reggiano, which originates here, and for developing the pedagogical teaching method called Reggio Emilia Approach. Additionally, after World War II, Reggio Emilia was one of the cities decorated for military valor due to its role in the Italian Resistance.

Physical geography

Reggio Emilia is located in the Po Valley, crossed by the Crostolo River, and is completely flat. The municipal territory is bathed by numerous streams and lesser rivers that saw the development of the first settlements in the outskirts and present-day locations. About 10 kilometers south of the municipality, the first foothills of the Reggio Emilia Apennines develop in the surrounding municipalities of Quattro Castella, Albinea, Scandiano, and Casalgrande. Reggio Emilia borders various surrounding municipalities.

Reggio Emilia: history, art, gastronomy and the innovative educational method.


The climate in Reggio Emilia is temperate continental, with hot summers and cold winters with frequent frosts. Rainfall is distributed throughout the year, with greater frequency and intensity in autumn and spring, while July and January are the driest months. Snow falls almost every year in winter, although with variable accumulations between 30 and 40 centimeters.

The history of Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia was founded by Roman consul Marco Emilio Lepido along the Emilia Road, the ancient Roman road that connected Piacenza to Rimini. The city then entered history as the birthplace of Tricolore, thanks to the Italian flag that was born here in 1797. The banner was displayed in the Sala del Tricolore of the Municipality, and since then, every January 7th, the national Tricolore festival is celebrated. During World War II, Reggio Emilia was an important center of the Italian Resistance, and after the war, it was one of the cities decorated for military valor.

Art and culture in Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia boasts a cultural and artistic heritage of great value. The Romolo Valli Municipal Theater, inaugurated in 1857, is one of the oldest opera theaters in Europe and hosts the greatest artists on the international scene every year. The Tricolore Museum, located in the rooms of the Sala del Tricolore, preserves documents and testimonies about the history of Tricolore and the Italian flag. In Reggio Emilia, there is also the Civic Art Gallery, which collects works of art from the fourteenth to the twentieth century.

Gastronomy and craftsmanship

Reggio Emilia is especially known for Parmigiano Reggiano, the most appreciated and widespread cheese in the world, made with raw cow's milk and aged for at least 12 months. The city is also the birthplace of Culatello, another excellent product of Emilian enogastronomy. Among the specialties of Reggio Emilia cuisine are erbetta tortelli, cappelletti in broth, gnocchi alla romagnola, and mixed boiled meat. In Reggio Emilia, numerous artisan workshops produce textiles, ceramics, and wooden objects.

The Reggio Emilia Approach

Reggio Emilia is famous worldwide for its innovative and successful pedagogical teaching method called Reggio Emilia Approach. It is an educational approach that is based on the importance of play, art, and creativity as tools for cognitive and social development of children. The method, which originated in the 1960s in some nurseries in the city, has attracted the attention of educators, psychologists, and educators from all over the world.


Reggio Emilia is a city of great historical, artistic, and cultural value, with a strong enogastronomic and artisanal tradition. The city is known worldwide for its innovative and successful pedagogical teaching method, the Reggio Emilia Approach. With its temperate climate, natural beauties, and cultural and artistic activities, Reggio Emilia represents an interesting destination for tourists of all nationalities.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Thursday, Mar 17, 2022