Villa Motta

Discovering Villa Motta

Hello everyone, today I will take you on a journey to discover Villa Motta, a charming hamlet located in the municipality of Cavezzo, in the province of Modena, about five kilometers from the capital city.

The history of Villa Motta

The history of Villa Motta dates back to the 14th century, when Abbot Diodato of the Nonantola Abbey granted Jacopo, son of Crescio della Molza, the church of Santa Maria di Disvetro with its chapel Mottae de Azolinis. Over the centuries, Villa Motta was the scene of major events, including a disastrous flood of the Secchia River in 1702 and an extraordinary flood three years later, which caused a disastrous flood in the Mirandola area.

Villa Motta: history, monuments, and cultural beauties.

The monuments of Villa Motta

The church of Santa Maria ad Nives is one of the most important monuments of Villa Motta. Dating back to the 14th century, it was built as a chapel of the noble Azzolini family. Over time, the church underwent numerous restoration and renewal interventions, until it reached its current appearance. Inside, you can admire a stucco dossal made by the sculptor Annibale Griffoni, while above the main altar there is a monumental octagonal polychrome stucco ciborium made by Gaspare Griffoni. The Gothic bell tower of the church, completed in the 16th century, is another of its peculiarities. The Molza courtyard (formerly known as the Federici-Zuccolini villa) is another of Villa Motta's attractions. Built in the 17th century in dark red bricks, the villa belonged to the Molza family of Modena and was inhabited by illustrious figures such as the poetess Tarquinia Molza and the writer Francesco Maria Molza. The monument to the fallen is a place of great historical and symbolic importance, dedicated to the memory of the partisans of the "Remo" Brigade killed in 1945 by fascist black brigades.


In conclusion, Villa Motta is a hamlet that preserves its historical and cultural beauties intact, including the church of Santa Maria ad Nives, the Molza courtyard and the monument to the fallen. An ideal place for those who love history, culture and nature.

Martina Caruso
Updated Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022