
Welcome to Cavezzo, in Emilia-Romagna!

Are you ready to discover a bit of history, geography, and society of the municipality of Cavezzo? Located in the province of Modena, Cavezzo has a population of approximately 7,022 inhabitants and is part of the Union of Modena Municipalities North Area.

The physical geography of Cavezzo

The territory of Cavezzo is part of the low Modena plain and borders Mirandola and San Possidonio to the north, Medolla to the east, San Prospero to the south, and Carpi and Novi di Modena to the west. The climate of Cavezzo is typically temperate and continental of the Po Valley, with moderately cold winters, little rainfall, and hot and sultry summers. In spring and autumn, the climate is mild and more humid.

Cavezzo: history, geography and society of an Emilian municipality.

The origins of the name of Cavezzo

The name of Cavezzo could derive from the Latin "cavaedium," which means "enclosed space by walls," through the form "cavaedicium."

The history of Cavezzo

Cavezzo was part of the ancient community of "Casare" dependent on the abbey of Nonantola. The village is mentioned in a document from 1140 and in 1203 appears as "Isola di sant'Egidio" because an oratory was erected in honor of the Saint. In 1322, it appeared as "cavaedicium" and was part of the Roncaglia Court. The Church of Sant'Egidio, born as an oratory in 1203, was elevated to the dignity of a parish church in 1352 and to a rural deanery in 1641. In 1796, the settlement was simply classified as a "villa" of the lower district of the municipality of Modena. During the Napoleonic era, it became a municipality, including Motta, Disvetro, and Medolla. In 1815, Cavezzo was aggregated as a "section" to the municipality of Mirandola and became an autonomous municipality in 1860.

During the Black Death, due to the multiple deaths, several catacombs were created in the countryside areas surrounding the village, mentioned in some documents dating back to 1349.

In 2012, Cavezzo was heavily hit by the earthquake of Emilia, especially by the tremors of May 29th, which caused two deaths and destroyed many areas of the village.

The society in Cavezzo

The population of Cavezzo is about 7,022 inhabitants and is composed of different ethnicities and foreign minorities, which represent 13.9% of the total population.


Cavezzo is a municipality in the province of Modena, in Emilia-Romagna, which was hit by the earthquake of Emilia in 2012. The history of the village dates back to the XII century, and the name could derive from the Latin "cavaedium." The climate of Cavezzo is typically of the Po Valley, with moderately cold winters and hot and sultry summers. The population is composed of different ethnicities and foreign minorities, which represent 13.9% of the total population. If you are looking for an Italian municipality rich in history and significance, Cavezzo could meet your expectations.

Martina Caruso
Updated Wednesday, Jun 22, 2022