
Welcome to Cavàrzere!

Cavàrzere is a charming town located in the Veneto region, in the metropolitan city of Venice. With a population of over 12,000 inhabitants, this flat territory boasts an ancient history and a unique natural landscape. Let's discover some curiosities about the territory of Cavàrzere together.

Cavàrzere: flat land and millenary history.

Physical Geography


The territory of Cavàrzere, part of the Veneto-Friuli Plain, is flat and completely level. However, many parts of the territory are still below sea level due to the marshy past of the area. To defeat the swamps, many canal beds were built and corrected, in addition to the strengthening of the Adige embankment.

The Adige is a river that flows through the inhabited center of Cavàrzere. It has changed its course several times throughout history and it is likely that it assumed its current course in 589, after the Cucca crisis. Other canals that flow through the municipal territory are Gorzone, Botta and Tartaro-Osellin. The Adigetto and the Canal dei Cuori mark the borders of the municipality of Cavàrzere respectively to the south and north.

ZPS - Le Marice

In the territory close to the center of Cavàrzere, there is a Special Protection Area (ZPS) commonly called Marice. This marshy area of about 46 hectares, located between the Adige and Gorzone embankments, is of great interest to Italy and the European Union. The area is an extremely important Site of Community Interest for biodiversity conservation and is part of the so-called Natura 2000 Network: the main tool of the European Union's biodiversity conservation policy.

Although not fully cataloged, the area boasts many animal species including the Circus aeruginosus, herons, cranes, herons and many other birds. The vegetation is predominantly composed of Magnopotamion or Hydrocharition.


The history of Cavàrzere has ancient roots dating back to the Roman era. Formerly, the territory was part of the Venice Lagoon and was the refuge of local populations during barbarian invasions.

In the twelfth century, Cavàrzere was ruled by a podestà sent by the Republic of Venice. In the sixteenth century, the castle was destroyed to make way for the cathedral and the embankments of the Adige River. The city's coat of arms still depicts the ancient castle.

During the Cisalpine Republic, the territory of Cavàrzere was divided into three municipalities: Cavarzere Destro, San Giuseppe and Rottanova. Later, following the Treaty of Campoformio, Cavarzere Destro came under Austrian rule while Cavarzere Sinistro (Rottanova) came under Napoleonic rule together with San Giuseppe, thus severing its ties with Venice.


Cavàrzere is a city with a rich and fascinating history. Thanks to its geographical location, this Veneto municipality also offers unique natural landscapes, such as the Special Protection Area (ZPS) commonly called Marice, where it is possible to admire many animal and plant species. Visit Cavàrzere and discover all that this town has to offer!

Francesco Serra
Updated Sunday, Feb 20, 2022