
A brief introduction to Catignano

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Catignano, a small Italian municipality in the province of Pescara, Abruzzo. The city has a rich archaeological history that testifies to the first human settlements in the area during the Neolithic period. In this article, we will explore the history of Catignano, its traditions, and places of interest.


Catignano has a fascinating prehistoric history dating back to the 6th-5th millennium BC. The area of Ponte Rosso at km 39 of the SS.602 hosts interesting traces of the organized village near a watercourse. Here, different cavities were detected, including huts, combustion pits, wells, and burials. Numerous artifacts have been found, such as figulina ceramic vases, domestic utensils, some anthropomorphic clay idols that testify to the first cultural and artistic craftsmanship forms elaborated by prehistoric human settlements.

During the protostoric period and until the first century AD, the community moved occupying other nearby areas to the current inhabited center. Probably Catignano rose on the ruins of the ancient Cutina. According to Tito Livio's books dedicated to the history of Rome, Cutina was one of the strongest and tenacious centers of the Vestini people. Together with Cingilia, it was one of the centers that most resisted the occupation of the Roman army for a long time, and for this reason, around the 4th century BC, it was completely destroyed, thus losing its traces permanently.

Discover the history and traditions of Catignano, a jewel of Abruzzo.

The Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the village always had a certain political and social relevance. The fortified village of the medieval ''castrum'' now appears as Via del Castello, which shows some traces in the flying buttress wall and in the typical housing distribution in a circle. According to the ''Chronicon'' of the monastery of San Bartolomeo di Carpineto della Nora, in 964 Rodelando di Penne donated to the monastery a land near ''Catuniano'', where there was a small church dedicated to ''S. Agnea''; it is possible that it was an ancient ''ecclesia'', perhaps dedicated to S.

During the Middle Ages, the name of the village changed to "Catenianum" and "Catigitanum", two terms that refer to the word "catena". This could have several explanations, including the most suggestive and evocative one of a place destined for deportation and imprisonment; or the one in which the word derives from catonius + anus with reference to a predial, namely a tax on lands whose dimensions were calculated for centuries using the chain, understood as an ancient measure of length and area, especially agricultural.

Places of interest

Today, Catignano offers several tourist attractions, including the archaeological area near Ponte Rosso, where visitors can explore the prehistoric period of the city, admire various cavities of various shapes, wells, and burials. Traces of the medieval castle can also be admired in the historic center of Catignano.

But what makes Catignano a unique place are its traditions. The residents of the city are passionate about various events, such as the "Presepe Vivente" during the winter season. This event recreates the Christmas traditions of the city, with actors playing the daily activities and customs of the medieval city.

The cuisine of Catignano is another popular attraction. The city is famous for its typical dishes prepared with local and genuine ingredients. Visitors can taste delights such as pasta alla chitarra, lamb arrosticini, and fish brodetto.


In conclusion, Catignano is an Italian city that has a rich prehistoric and medieval history. The archaeological area of Ponte Rosso is a must-see for visitors who want to explore the prehistoric past of the city. The medieval fortified village is another popular tourist attraction that offers a unique view of the architecture of the time. The traditions of the city, such as the "Presepe Vivente" and its local cuisine, make the city a fascinating place to visit. I hope this article has provided you with a nice overview of Catignano and that you will want to visit it soon.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Sunday, Sep 18, 2022