Castronovo di Sicilia

Castronovo di Sicilia: a gem of the Sicani Mountains

Castronovo di Sicilia, a municipality located in the metropolitan city of Palermo, is a small gem of the Sicani Mountains. This geologically interesting area is much more than just a territory; here it is possible to discover the natural beauty and art of our ancestors.

Physical Geography

Castronovo is located 72 km from Palermo and 58 km from Agrigento. Geologically, the territory is part of the Sicani Mountains, a structural and morphological plateau that separates the Caltanissetta basin to the east from the Salemi basin to the west.

The Santa Caterina protected area, of great natural beauty, is easily accessible from the road that connects Filaga to Castronovo di Sicilia. This area is under the protection of the Palermo Departmental Inspectorate of Forests and also encloses an ancient Byzantine settlement. Here you can breathe fresh and intense air and admire the ancient art of our ancestors thanks to the presence of rural construction artifacts such as straw huts, markers, and other workshops. The mountains that extend from the Platani River up to the sky, called the Sicani Mountains, preserve one of the most beautiful and characteristic natural pearls of Sicily: the Monte Carcaci Reserve. The geographical position, mild climate, and wealth of water favor an agricultural and dairy production of high quality.

Castronovo di Sicilia: Between Mountains and History


The first traces of Castronovo di Sicilia date back to the archaic period when a settlement consisting of troglodyte houses was discovered in the Grotte district on the banks of the Platani River. This settlement belonged to the Sicani, an ancient people of Sicily. The first scientific exploration dates back to 1743 when the settlements were called "Kars-nubu" by the Arabs. It later became "Castrum" for the Normans. At the beginning of the 12th century, the citadel on the rock was destroyed and most of the population moved to the underlying hill where two villages arose around two rich springs: Rabat and Rakal-biat. The current urban center was born from these two villages. The real city on the Kassar plateau was founded in the 9th century AD.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Castronovo di Sicilia is rich in monuments and places of interest. The Norman Castle, built by the Grand Count Ruggero after the liberation of 1077 and enlarged in 1375 by Manfredi Chiaramonte, Count of Castronovo, is now the building of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. The Giandalia Palace, on the other hand, was built at the request of the Alondres family on the wall of the ancient city, which included a tower of Norman origins. The layout of the Palace dates back to 1200 and, following modifications made over the centuries, has reached its current appearance. The building consists of three elevations: the ground floor was originally used as a warehouse, while the first and second floors were used as a dwelling. The vaults of the rooms on the first floor are decorated with frescoes made by Giuseppe Enea, a painter and decorator of the Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele in Palermo.

Castronovo di Sicilia is therefore a municipality that offers incredible landscapes and a very interesting historical and cultural heritage. If you are looking for a holiday destination that has these characteristics combined with taste and elegance, Castronovo di Sicilia is the right place for you.

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Saturday, Apr 2, 2022