
Castrolibero: a modern residential area

Castrolibero is a modern residential center located to the west of Cosenza, in Calabria. The building development of recent decades and the urbanization with the city have led to the growth of the population, which currently counts about 9225 inhabitants.

The municipality extends over a territory ranging from 224 to 559 meters above sea level, and the historic center is located at the top of a hill belonging to the eastern slope of the Coastal Range. The Calabrian locality enjoys an extraordinary panorama, thanks to its elevated position.

The origin of the name Castrolibero

The municipality was originally known as Castelfranco. In the 9th century AD, an army of Franks, led by Count Ottone di Bergamo, encamped here to counter the Saracens of Amantea. In 1863, the government recommended changing the name, as many towns had the same name. Initially, the chosen name was "Castelvenere", in memory of a pagan temple and a nearby fortress. However, as there was already another municipality with the same name, it was decided to adopt the name "Castro-libero". The name derives from the wide panoramic view enjoyed from the mountain and from the free institutions of King Vittorio Emanuele II.

Castrolibero: history, landscapes and modern life

History of the municipality

Castelfranco passed through the hands of various noble families, including the Sanseverino of Bisignano in the 15th century. In 1487, following the conspiracy of the barons, in which the Sanseverino also participated, the fortress of Castelfranco was destroyed by King Ferdinando. In 1550, the fief was granted as a dowry to the daughter of Pietro Antonio Sanseverino, Eleonora, who married the Marquis of Rende. Between 1562 and 1566, Castelfranco was purchased by Valerio Telesio, brother of the renowned philosopher Bernardino. However, the vassals of the fief were not satisfied with the new baron, and in 1579, they led a popular revolt that culminated in the killing of Valerio Telesio in the church of San Giovanni.

Castelfranco then passed to the Sersale, who owned it until the end of the 19th century. During the first half of the 19th century, the municipality actively participated in the revolutionary movements and was the site of a Carbonari "vendita", led by the Parise brothers.


In summary, Castrolibero is an Italian municipality located on the Coastal Range to the west of Cosenza. The city owes its name to the free horizon that can be admired from the mountain and the free institutions of King Vittorio Emanuele II. Throughout its history, Castelfranco went through various moments of turbulence and evolution, from the conspiracy of the barons to the rebellion against the new feudal lord, Valerio Telesio. Today, Castrolibero is a modern and lively residential area that offers its inhabitants a serene environment and a breathtaking view of the Coastal Range.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Wednesday, Feb 1, 2023