
Alone: an agricultural village with a long history

Hello friends, today I will talk to you about Alone, a hamlet of the Municipality of Casto in the province of Brescia, located upstream of the inhabited center. This small locality has been the subject of many historical and cultural vicissitudes over the centuries.

Its origin and the formation of the municipality

Alone is an agricultural village with a long history, which begins in Val Sabbia, an area of ancient origin. In the early years of the seventeenth century, the mountain authorities separated from this locality by establishing it as a municipality.

Alone: Story of an Agricultural Village

Napoleon's decision not respected by the Austrians

After many historical vicissitudes, in 1805 Napoleon ordered Alone to become a hamlet of Casto, but the Austrians canceled the decision upon their arrival in 1815 with the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia.

The least populous town in the province of Brescia

In the 1880s, Alone was the least populous town in the province of Brescia, with only 167 inhabitants. Nevertheless, this village has maintained its charm and authenticity over the centuries.

Fascism decides the suppression of the municipality

It was during the fascist period that Alone lost its autonomy. Indeed, the government decided to suppress the municipality and merge it back into Casto.


In conclusion, Alone is a hamlet with a rich historical past. Despite the difficulties, it has managed to maintain its beauty and authenticity, becoming a place of great charm. If you have the opportunity to visit it, do not hesitate to do so: you will surely not regret it!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Jan 31, 2023