Castions di Strada

Castions di Strada: a town surrounded by nature and history

Castions di Strada is a charming Italian town located in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, characterized by the abundant presence of water sources that favor the presence of a flourishing and beautiful natural environment.

Castions di Strada: Nature and History in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

Physical Geography


The numerous water sources that characterize the territory of Castions di Strada give this place a unique freshness and vegetation. These waters seep into small streams, cross wet meadows and after a few kilometers flow into the great Friulian lagoon. The presence of so much water, combined with the sands that surround the town favoring its filtration, gives the territory a flora and a geologically ancient and beautiful environment.

The wet meadows of the area, despite reclamation work, still contain the presence of a particular flora and species of aquatic birds. Among the plant species to be discovered in these areas, we mention Armeria Helodes, Black Rush, and Alpine Butterwort, a small bog plant.


Castions di Strada has a very ancient history dating back to the Bronze Age, when the territory developed thanks to the strategic and defensive position of the locality. The town, in fact, was located in an area that had a castellieri, a small elevation that served as a fortification and lookout. Further south, there was a pond inhabited by many fish species and reachable through the Zellina river.

The area around the castellieri and the Roman portico constituted a "castrum", which then grew to become a settlement colony. The urban layout of the town began to take shape, and over time, agricultural companies surrounded by cultivated land developed autonomously.

The importance of Castions di Strada is evidenced by the layout of the Stradalta, a Roman road that reached Codroipo and connected various cities in northern Italy, passing through the fortified area including Castions. In the Middle Ages, this road became very important for the crossing of troops and travelers, and several places of worship were built along the route.

Among the oldest churches in Castions di Strada, we must mention the church of San Pellegrino in Morsano and the church of Santa Maria in the center of the town, which testify to the importance of Castions in the past.


Castions di Strada is a very interesting town for its presence of water sources and wet meadows that give the place a particular natural beauty. The history of this town is very ancient and testifies to its strategic and defensive importance over the centuries. Today, Castions is a welcoming and hospitable place to visit for the natural beauties and historical treasures that it still offers.

Andrea Giordano
Updated Sunday, Oct 16, 2022