
Passopisciaro: history and legend of a Sicilian town

If you're looking for a place to visit in Sicily, why not try discovering Passopisciaro? This hamlet of Castiglione di Sicilia, located in the province of Catania, has a very interesting history and a legend that gave the town its name.

The etymology of Passopisciaro

Legend has it that the brigand Ciccu Zummu was present in Passopisciaro, and he involved a fishmonger in his deception. Unfortunately, the fishmonger was killed and the place took the name of "fishmonger's pass," in Sicilian "passu du pisciaru." Hence the name Passopisciaro.

Passopisciaro: history, legend and flavors of Sicily.

The history of Passopisciaro

The first settlements in the area date back to the mid-19th century, but it was under the Kingdom of Italy that Passopisciaro was officially founded, with the construction of the first houses near Passo del Pisciaro. The center grew rapidly and in the early 1900s, it housed almost a thousand inhabitants. The development was not only demographic but also economic: factories and artisan shops were created, including those for the distillation of ethyl alcohol. In addition, the construction of the Circumetnea railway and its port allowed the export of Passopisciaro wine to other countries, including Russia.

In 1897, Canon Rosario Pennisi erected a chapel which in 1921 became the parish of Maria Santissima del Rosario. In his book "Castiglione demesne and feudal City," published in 1910, Vincenzo Sardo defined Passopisciaro "one of the most important centers in the province of Catania."

However, the economic crisis, the competition of America on wheat, and the commercial war with France caused the economic crisis of Sicily, and many inhabitants of Passopisciaro emigrated to the United States, particularly to Rochester.

During World War II, Passopisciaro was bombed on July 13, 1943, by two fighter-bombers, causing the death of seven civilians.

The devotion to the Madonna del Rosario

The devotion to the Madonna del Rosario is very strong in Passopisciaro. During the eruption of Mount Etna in June 1923, the town was threatened by the lava flow but was spared. As a sign of thanksgiving for this supposed miracle, the procession of the statue of Maria Santissima del Rosario takes place in the streets of the town every first Sunday of July.

Visit Passopisciaro

If you want to visit Passopisciaro, there are many things to see and do. You can start with the church of Maria Santissima del Rosario, rebuilt in the 1950s after the damages caused by the bombing of World War II. In the square in front of the church, there is a statue dedicated to San Calogero, the patron saint of the town.

If you are interested in the history of Passopisciaro wine, you can visit the Benanti winery, which mainly produces red and white wines from native grapes.

Furthermore, if you want to taste the flavors of Sicilian cuisine, look for the Donna Carmela restaurant, which offers traditional dishes from the region such as pasta alla Norma, caponata, and cassata.


Passopisciaro is a place not to be missed if you are in Sicily. Its history, legend, and strong devotion to Madonna del Rosario make it unique and fascinating. Take a look at the Benanti winery, the church of Maria Santissima del Rosario, and savor the flavors of traditional Sicilian cuisine. We await you in Passopisciaro!

Sofia Greco
Wrote by Sofia Greco
Updated Sunday, Jul 24, 2022