
Marano: a hamlet of the municipality of Castenaso

Hello! Today I will talk about Marano, a charming hamlet of the municipality of Castenaso, located in the metropolitan city of Bologna. The village takes its name from the Marana or Marrana stream, which corresponds to a ditch or a small river, as etymologists tell us.

The church of San Gemignano

One of the main attractions of Marano is the church of San Gemignano, which stands on an ancient building dating back to the 12th century. The church was completely destroyed by the troops of Cesare Borgia, known as Duke Valentino, in the 16th century, but was rebuilt in neo-Romanesque style in 1929, keeping the 16th-century bell tower.

Marano: Historical and Cultural Treasures of the Metropolitan City of Bologna

The Benevolesca villa

In the past, there was a famous villa in Marano called Benevolesca, also known as the castle of Foggianova. The building, erected by Giovanni II in the early 16th century, had a magnificent double loggia on the facade, four cylindrical and crenellated towers at the corners. The villa was a seat of a very active social and cultural life, with even theatrical performances, but it was demolished at the end of the 18th century.

The Marana villa

Another noteworthy villa is the Marana villa, dating back to the 18th century, which belonged to the famous conductor Francesco Molinari-Pradelli. The building is spread over two floors, with a loggia with five arches. Inside, you can admire precious 17th-century pictorial decorations attributed to Meneghino del Brizzi and Girolamo Curti's workshop, known as "il dentone." The park surrounding the villa is very well-kept, and a few decades ago the villa was restored by the Molinari-Pradelli family.


Marano is a hamlet that preserves many treasures, including the church of San Gemignano, the Benevolesca villa, and the Marana villa, representing the testimony of a very rich and varied history. After all, visiting Marano means immersing oneself in a past made of art, culture, and nature, in the heart of the metropolitan city of Bologna.

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Saturday, Aug 13, 2022