Castelvetro di Modena

Castelvetro di Modena: a tourist experience between history, culture and nature

Castelvetro di Modena is a municipality located in the central-eastern part of the province of Modena in Emilia-Romagna. It is a place of great historical, cultural and naturalistic value, stretched over a foothill and hilly area of the Apennines. With its 11,122 inhabitants, Castelvetro is part of the Union of Castles Lands and represents an ideal destination for those who want to spend a relaxing vacation full of discovery and beauty.


Castelvetro’s territory is characterized by a great diversity of landscapes, ranging from the plain in the north to the high pre-Apennine hill in the south. The municipality encompasses several hamlets, including Puianello di Levizzano Rangone, Levizzano Rangone, Settecani, and Castelnuovo Rangone. Among the most striking places in the area is Monte Tre Croci, about 410 meters high, and Colle della Guardia, the highest point in the zone, on whose summit stands the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Health of Puianello.

Castelvetro di Modena: between history, culture and nature.

Monuments and places of interest

The history of Castelvetro is linked to its many monuments and places of interest, including religious, civil, and military architecture. Among the churches, the Ancient Church of Saints Senesio and Teopompo, the Church of Saints Senesio and Teopompo and the Oratory of St. Anthony are some of the most interesting. Also very impressive is the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of Health, located in Puianello di Levizzano Rangone, which dominates the surrounding landscape from above.

Among the civil architectures, particularly interesting are Piazza Roma and Scacchiera, Palazzo Rinaldi, Palazzo Rangoni, and Palazzo Comunale, while the Ancient Acetaia represents a journey of discovery into the gastronomic tradition of the territory. MusA, the Museum of the Absurd, is an exhibition space dedicated to the ingenuity of authors and artists and their ability to experiment with and play with reality.

Castelvetro is known for its 6 towers from the Middle Ages, three of which are depicted in the city's coat of arms. Among the most suggestive is the Clock Tower, located in Piazza Roma, with a characteristic slope of about 16 degrees relative to its center of gravity, and the Tower of Prisons, which used to house the prisons and whose walls bear inscribed graffiti probably left by the prisoners.

The Bandiera Arancione tourism and environmental quality label

The Municipality of Castelvetro has obtained the Bandiera Arancione tourism and environmental quality label from the Touring Club Italiano. The recognition was awarded for the beauty of the landscape, the quality of tourist reception, and the environmental and cultural preservation of the territory. The municipality has also joined the European network of sustainable tourism EDEN and stands out for its attention to eco-sustainability and the enhancement of typical products and local gastronomy.


Castelvetro di Modena represents a complete and satisfying tourism experience, capable of meeting the needs of all visitors. Nature, culture, history, and gastronomy blend into a unique offering of emotions for anyone who decides to spend a vacation in this enchanting place in Emilia-Romagna. The Bandiera Arancione and the membership in the EDEN network are a guarantee of quality hospitality and the commitment of the municipality to sustainable and responsible tourism.

Martina Caruso
Updated Wednesday, Dec 7, 2022