Castelvecchio Calvisio

Castelvecchio Calvisio: an Abruzzo gem

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a small Abruzzo town that many of you probably don't know about: Castelvecchio Calvisio. This little gem is located in the province of L'Aquila and has only 128 inhabitants, but don't be fooled by its small size, because Castelvecchio Calvisio has a lot to offer.

Physical geography

The village is located in the southern part of the Gran Sasso d'Italia massif, offering panoramic views over the Tirino Valley on one side and the lower Conca Aquilana on the other. The view from the town is simply breathtaking, with its mountainous landscapes and expanses of fields and pastures. Castelvecchio Calvisio is situated just over 1000 meters above sea level and can be reached by several roads, including the Abruzzo Apennines and Apulian-Sannitic state road 17.

Castelvecchio Calvisio: an Abruzzo gem between nature and history.


The history of Castelvecchio Calvisio dates back to ancient times, but the first mention of a castle and some churches dates back to 779. From then on, the village was subject to numerous historical events, leading it to be a fiefdom of many noble families, including the Colonna, Caldora, and Medici families. In the fifteenth century, it was called Castello Vecchio della Baronia, while in the sixteenth century it assumed the name of Castelvecchio Carapelle. Only in 1883 did it obtain its current name with a Royal Disposition.

For a long time, the village remained tied to the agricultural and pastoral economy, but in the twentieth century, there was a strong depopulation due to emigration.


In recent years, Castelvecchio Calvisio has experienced a new lease of life thanks to tourism. The village, in fact, offers many opportunities for nature and history lovers. Thanks to its location within the National Park of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga, Castelvecchio Calvisio is an excellent starting point for excursions in the area. You can go trekking on the paths that cross the surrounding territory, or visit the numerous sites of historical interest, such as the Church of San Cipriano, dating back to the seventh century, and the medieval castle.

In addition, Castelvecchio Calvisio hosts several events throughout the year, including the Sagra della Polenta, held in August and offering typical Abruzzo cuisine dishes, and the Festa di San Cipriano, held in September and featuring a procession through the village streets.


Unfortunately, as you all know, Abruzzo was hit by a strong earthquake in 2009, causing serious damage to many cities and towns in the area. Castelvecchio Calvisio also suffered damage but the community worked hard to rebuild and restore it. Visiting the village is also a way to support the local community and contribute to the recovery of the territory's economy.


In conclusion, I invite you to consider Castelvecchio Calvisio as a destination for your next vacation. Whether you are a nature or history lover, or simply want to enjoy moments of peace and tranquillity, this Abruzzo village will not disappoint you. Its panoramic position, fascinating history, and recreational opportunities make it a must-see destination. Come and visit us in Castelvecchio Calvisio!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Jul 21, 2022