
Welcome to Castelpizzuto, the story of a small Molise municipality

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you about Castelpizzuto, a delightful municipality in the province of Isernia, in the Molise region. If you are looking for a place to visit off the beaten tourist track, this is the perfect destination for you. Castelpizzuto, in Molisan dialect called "Rù Pëzzùtë", has a long and fascinating history, which I will tell you about below.


The center of Castelpizzuto was founded by the Angevins in 1269, with the construction of a small fortress that guarded the mountains of Matese. Over the centuries, the village has changed ownership several times: from 1316 the D'Isernia family owned the village probably throughout the fourteenth century, while in 1575 Silvia d'Agostino ceded the fief to the Terzi family, which owned it until the Unification of Italy, with some intermediate ownership passages.

Castelpizzuto, the story of a small Molisan municipality.

Monuments and Places of Interest

Baronial Castle

One of the main attractions of Castelpizzuto is the castle, located along Via Roma, in the center of the village. Despite the fortified structure being mixed with the other historic buildings of the village, a semicircular angular tower with a loggia and round-headed windows is still visible. The facade was modified in the 19th century and has no artistic value, other than being a common stone building. The castle, until 2009, was abandoned but subsequently purchased and restored by the municipality, becoming the town hall and also open for visits.

Church of Sant'Agata

Another place of interest is the Church of Sant'Agata, dating back to the 14th century, but heavily renovated in late Baroque period. The church has a rectangular plan, with a white plastered facade and a bell tower.


Demographic Evolution

Castelpizzuto has only 135 inhabitants and as of August 31st, 2020, is one of the five least populated municipalities in Molise. However, its small size translates into a quiet and relaxing atmosphere, ideal for a break from the hectic city life.

Traditions and Folklore

One of the main festivals in Castelpizzuto is the Feast of San Domenico, which celebrates the patron saint of the village. This festival recalls the ritual of the "serpari" (snake handlers) of the Abruzzo municipality of Cocullo, during which religious rituals mix with the tradition of snake handlers who carry snakes through the village streets.


In conclusion, Castelpizzuto is a small municipality with an ancient charm, an interesting history and several places of interest to visit. If you are looking for a peaceful and authentic destination, I recommend you to visit Castelpizzuto. Thank you for reading this brief journey to discover Castelpizzuto.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Monday, Oct 10, 2022