Castelnovo Bariano

Castelnovo Bariano: a small treasure to discover

Castelnovo Bariano is a municipality located in the province of Rovigo, in the Veneto region. With a population of 2615 inhabitants, Castelnovo Bariano offers many opportunities for culture and sports lovers.

Monuments and places of interest

The Civic Archaeological Museum is located in the district of San Pietro Polesine and is an interesting point of interest for those who love history and archaeology.

Castelnovo Bariano: Veneto treasure of art and sport

Religious architectures

Among the religious architectures in the area, the Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova, in neo-Gothic style, and the Church of San Pietro Apostolo, characterized by its twin bell towers, are the most representative.


Demographic evolution

The demographic evolution of Castelnovo Bariano has been constant over time. In recent years, in particular, the municipality has seen a significant increase in immigrants. However, the local community has successfully welcomed new arrivals, creating an atmosphere of inclusion and collaboration.


The municipality of Castelnovo Bariano is governed by a municipal council and a mayor. The local administration is constantly committed to improving the quality of life for its citizens.


Football is the most loved sport in Castelnovo Bariano. The local team, Castelnovo Bariano Amatori, plays its matches at the Castelnovo Bariano Sports Field. In the past, the city has also seen the training of Unione Sportiva Sampietrese, which played three consecutive Serie D championships.

In addition to football, citizens can practice various sports activities inside local gyms.


Castelnovo Bariano can be considered a small treasure to discover for those looking for a city with a human dimension, where inclusion and collaboration among different communities lead to an authentic and genuine lifestyle. For those who want to discover the history, culture, and most authentic aspects of the Veneto region, Castelnovo Bariano is undoubtedly an excellent choice.

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Wednesday, Aug 17, 2022