
La Ravella: a stream in the province of Como

The Ravella is a stream in the province of Como that flows through the municipalities of Canzo and Castelmarte. This river originates from the southern slopes of the Corni di Canzo, at an altitude of about 1000 meters, and flows westward into the homonymous valley, passing through the town of Canzo before merging from the left into the Lambro river near the homonymous village of Castelmarte. The name "Ravella" could derive from "rapa" or "rava" (meaning landslide or collapse), which in turn would derive from "grava," a Celtic term to indicate "gravel".

Hydrographic basin

The hydrographic basin of the Ravella stream extends east-west, with the Cresta di Cranno, Colletta dei Corni and the Corni di Canzo to the north in the upper part, the Sasso Malascarpa and Monte Prasanto to the east, and Monte Rai, Monte Cornizzolo and Monte Pesora to the south. The main tributary of the stream flows from the Valle di S. Miro and flows into the Ravella just below the hermitage of San Miro, while another tributary flows into the Ravella in the town of Canzo.

Ravella: pre-Alpine treasure of the province of Como.


The Ravella stream flows intermittently between steep rocky slopes of limestone rocks belonging to the Lombard Mesozoic series, with small waterfalls and Marmitta dei giganti glacial that constitute the tectonic structure of the Italian Prealps in this area. The pre-alpine valley formed by the stream is crossed by a hiking trail that reaches the sanctuary of San Miro, and continues on the right side of the watercourse to Canzo## Gli Alp, below which are the sources of the stream. Along the path, there are several erratic boulders brought here by the glacier during the last ice age.

Natural environment

The Ravella stream flows within a mixed deciduous forest and up to the sources of Gajum in a completely non-anthropized environment. The valley is dominated, on the left bank, by the Ceppo dell'Angua, in dialect "Scalfin del diavul," formed by sub-vertical benches of Dolomia a Conchodon, while on the right bank, the moraine terraces are still recognizable.

The disaster of 1936

In 1936, following heavy rains, the Ravella stream overflowed in several points, destroyed the three bridges that crossed it along the road that leads to the sanctuary of San Miro, and a villa built on its right bank in the locality of Gajum.

The northern boundary of Brianza

Francesco Cherubini indicates Val Ravella and Valmadrera as the northern boundary of Brianza.

In conclusion, the Ravella stream is one of the natural treasures of the province of Como, with its pre-alpine valley that offers breathtaking landscapes and an unspoiled natural environment. The history of the disaster of 1936 and the presence of important historical references, such as the boundary of Brianza indicated by Francesco Cherubini, make this river even more interesting to visit and learn about.

Martina Caruso
Updated Friday, Sep 23, 2022