Castellina Marittima

Welcome to Castellina Marittima!

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Castellina Marittima, a municipality in Tuscany, in the province of Pisa, which has 1829 inhabitants. This area is historically known as Maremma Pisana and, since 2011, it has been part of the union of municipalities Union of Colli Marittimi Pisani.

Let's explore the physical geography of Castellina Marittima

Castellina Marittima has a Mediterranean climate, according to the D climate classification, with an average atmospheric diffusivity. Temperatures are quite pleasant, as reported by the surveys carried out on the website

During the summer months of June, July and August, the average temperature reaches 27 degrees Celsius. While in the winter months of January and February, the average temperature hovers around 10 degrees Celsius. A perfect climate for outdoor activities throughout the year!

Castellina Marittima: nature and history in Tuscany.

The territory of Castellina Marittima

Now it is time to talk about the territory of Castellina Marittima. Perhaps, as some archaeological finds reveal, this village has Etruscan origins. The lordly castle was documented in 1276, part of the parish of San Giovanni di Camajano (Castelnuovo della Misericordia).

Later on, the castle was sold to the Republic of Pisa by Ildebrandono di Sovana. In 1406, all this area submitted to Florence.

An important historical figure of Castellina Marittima is the senator Lorenzo di Raffaello de'Medici, a member of a collateral branch of the grand dukes, already governor of Livorno. In 1628, the marquisate of Castellina was erected. The final line of the Raffaello de'Medici family was extinct in 1715, but the enfeoffment was renewed in 1738 in favour of the descendant Francesco Maria (-1741).

In 1860, after the plebiscite called by Bettino Ricasoli throughout Tuscany, Castellina Marittima became part of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Historically, the area had mainly agricultural activities with a production, above all, of cereals, impoverishing much of its territory, rich in oak forests and woods.

Starting from the beginning of the 19th century, an alabaster quarry was opened, which became one of the most important activities of the time. Today, alabaster is a precious material for the creation of works of art.

A tragic event: the fall of the U.5 dirigible

On May 2nd, 1918, the U.5 dirigible was returning to the Pontedera Airport after a maritime patrol between Punta Troia, the Island of Elba and Corsica, when it crashed to the ground in the Valdiperga area, near Castellina Marittima. In the accident, all five crew members died: Lieutenant Commander Federico Fenu, army Second Lieutenants Enrico Magistris and Luigi Carta Satta, and navy telegraphist sergeant Michele Rosato and motor sergeant Tommaso Perrone.

Today, the area is remembered and respected, and it is possible to visit the site of the accident, in memory of the people who lost their lives in that tragic event.

What to visit in Castellina Marittima

Now that you know more about the history, geography, and territory of Castellina Marittima, we suggest you visit some of the most beautiful places in the area.

If you love nature, you can visit the Maremma Natural Park, which offers a unique and wild natural environment that will leave you breathless. Alternatively, you can take a walk in the Gulf of Baratti, a splendid bay along the Tuscan coast.

For culture lovers, you can visit the ruins of the ancient lordly castle of Castellina Marittima, one of the oldest and most interesting places in the area. Additionally, don't miss the chance to visit the small and charming Museum of Rural Civilization of Castellina Marittima, where you can discover the history and culture of the place.


We hope that this brief tour of Castellina Marittima has helped you discover some of the hidden treasures of the area. If you are looking for uncontaminated nature, history, and culture, Castellina Marittima is the right place for you. Come visit this splendid area of Tuscany and discover it with your own eyes!

Francesco Serra
Updated Saturday, Jan 8, 2022