
Welcome to Castelleone

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about Castelleone, a town of 9248 inhabitants located in the province of Cremona, in Lombardy. With over 800 years of history, this city has often been at the center of disputes between Cremona, Milan, and Crema.

Discovering the Physical Geography of Castelleone

Castelleone is located in the Po Valley, at an altitude of 78 meters above sea level. The city is crossed by the canal Serio Morto, which divides the city into two parts. The Historic Center and the district "Borgo Serio" are divided by the canal, which was probably the bed of the Serio River in the past. Castelleone is located in the climatic zone E, with cold winters and hot summers.

Castelleone: history, geography, and curiosities of a Lombard city.

The Origin of the Name Castelleone

The name Castelleone has two possible interpretations. The city may have been named after Pope Leo at a time when the struggles between Guelphs and Ghibellines were very intense. Otherwise, the name Castelleone could derive from the famous phrase "Vicit Leo de tribu Iuda," sung in church on the day the first stone of Castelleone Castle was laid. In both cases, the lion is an important element in the history of this city.

A Trip into the Past

In prehistoric times, there were already human settlements in this area, and today, Mesolithic and Neolithic finds can be found in the Civic Museum. During the Roman era, there was no settlement here, but only a road that passed from Cremona to Milan.

In 967 AD, the existence of a court called Brixianorum (Bressanoro) on the road to Brescia, within which there was a Pieve dedicated to St. Lawrence, is documented. Later, Bishop Manfredi's Castle will be built, owned by the Bishop of Cremona. However, in 1186, Frederick I Barbarossa destroyed Castel Manfredi and left only the Isso Tower intact, now known as Torrazzo. Two years later, Bishop Sicardo of Cremona laid the first stone of the new castle, Castrum Leonis or Castelleone.

On May 1st, 1188, the new church was sufficiently built to say mass, and Bishop Sicardo solemnly celebrated mass, naming the city after the Saints St. Philip the Apostle and St. James the Less, who became the patrons of Castelleone. The city will soon have two defense gates: Porta Isso, protected by Torrazzo, and Porta Serio, protected by a tower that unfortunately no longer exists.

Curiosities about the history of Castelleone

During the Middle Ages, Castelleone was often at the center of disputes between Cremona and the cities of Milan and Crema. In fact, in 1509, the French destroyed Castelleone Castle during the Battle of Agnadello, causing the death of the noble Don Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba.

Years passed, and the city of Castelleone continued its pleasant and peaceful life. In 2011, in particular, the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano conferred on Castelleone the title of city.


We have come to the end of our tour of Castelleone. I hope you enjoyed the visit and had fun learning about the history and geography of this city. Don't forget to visit the Civic Museum to admire the Mesolithic and Neolithic finds and perhaps take a stroll along the canal Serio Morto. See you next time!

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Apr 30, 2022