
Reggio Emilia: the city of Tricolore

Reggio Emilia is an Italian municipality located in the Emilia-Romagna region, with a population of about 169,640 inhabitants. It is located in the Po Valley and is crossed by the Crostolo stream. The city is located along the Via Emilia, an ancient road of the Roman Empire that connected Piacenza to Rimini. It was founded at the behest of consul Marco Emilio Lepido in 187 BC.

A city of great historical value

Reggio Emilia is known as the City of Tricolore because it is here that the Italian flag was first shown on January 7, 1797. This flag is inspired by the flags of the Cispadane Republic. The flag was placed in the Tricolore Hall of the Municipality, a place of great historical value where many municipal council meetings are held.

The city was also an important center of the Italian Resistance and was decorated for military valor for its actions during World War II. In addition, Reggio Emilia is famous for Parmigiano Reggiano, one of the most well-known Italian culinary products in the world.

Reggio Emilia: the City of Tricolor and Parmigiano-Reggiano.

Physical geography

Reggio Emilia is located in the Po Valley, and its territory is completely flat. The city is bathed by numerous watercourses and minor streams, and the surrounding area is rich in hills and mountains, which provide splendid panoramas. Despite this, the first foothills of the Reggiano Apennines are about 10 kilometers south of the city.

It borders with many municipalities, such as Campegine, Cadelbosco di Sopra, Bagnolo in Piano, Correggio, San Martino in Rio, Rubiera, Casalgrande, Scandiano, Albinea, Quattro Castella, Bibbiano, Cavriago, Montecchio Emilia, and Sant'Ilario d'Enza. Reggio Emilia is also quite close to two major Italian cities: Modena (24 km east) and Parma (27.5 km west).


The climate in Reggio Emilia can be classified as temperate continental, with hot and humid summers, which can reach up to 40 °C, and cold winters with frequent frosts that can sometimes drop below -10 °C. Rainfall is well distributed throughout the year but is usually more frequent in autumn and spring, especially in the months of October, November, and April.

Snow falls regularly every winter, but snow accumulations are never very substantial and range from 30 to 40 cm on average.

The Reggio Emilia educational approach

Reggio Emilia was also the city that gave birth to the well-known pedagogical method called the Reggio Emilia Approach. Created in the late 1940s, this approach to pedagogy is based on collaborative learning, self-exploration, and individual autonomy.

Children are encouraged to learn through direct experience, creativity, and interaction with the world around them. The Reggio Emilia Approach has spread rapidly throughout the world, and many educators still use it today as a teaching method.

Reggio Emilia is a city with a great history, and it can be defined as a dynamic and vital city where history and modernity blend harmoniously.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Monday, Apr 11, 2022